Yami 특선
夏日色彩打卡 - grey 🌹🌹This gray is the color of this hot and sour powder. It is the color of the authentic Chongqing specialty handmade sweet potato hot and sour powder from Yami. The sweet potato powder is very special, right? It’s delicious and enjoyable! 🤣🤣 🌹🌹I often eat rice noodles and noodles, so this sweet potato handmade coarse flour is my first attempt, and it is unexpectedly delicious. In addition to sweet potato flour, the ingredients in it include chili oil packets, secret seasoning packets, and Laotan pickled cabbage flavor packets. , vinegar package. I cooked it like other rice noodles and instant noodles, and served it with my favorite vegetables. Wow, delicious! It's sour and spicy, authentic, there's no numbness that I don't like, the noodles are very glutinous and smooth, and it's very enjoyable to eat with a slight sweat, and it's not enough to go down in a bowl, and sweet potato flour is low in calories, healthy and not fat. , really good! Do you guys like the same thing? 🤣 # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 三食三餐 #
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Yami 특선 夏日色彩打卡——灰色 🌹🌹这个灰色,是这个酸辣粉的颜色,是这个亚米上入手的好哥们正宗重庆特产手工红薯酸辣粉的颜色,红薯粉,很特别对不对,而且很好吃很过瘾!🤣🤣 🌹🌹经常吃的是米粉、面条,所以这个红薯手工粗粉是第一次尝试,确是意外的好吃,除了红薯粉,里面的配料有辣油包,秘制调料包,老坛酸菜风味包,食醋包。正常像别的米粉和方便面那样煮了,配上喜欢的蔬菜,哇,好吃!酸的到位辣的正宗,没有什么我不喜欢的麻味,粉很筋道滑爽,呲溜呲溜吃的微微冒汗很过瘾啊,一碗下去意犹未尽,而且红薯粉卡路里低,健康不长胖,真的不错!小伙伴们有同样喜欢的吗?🤣 # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 三食三餐 #