Yami 특선
My furry child is called Caramel, and they love to eat and make trouble. I used to buy him snack bars at the pet store, and he liked to eat them at first, but since I made this snack bar for him, he no longer eats the treats sold by the pet store. 😂 The practice is very simple and healthy, and can be adjusted according to the preferences of your pets. For 狗狗, oat flour is very healthy and digestible, many 狗狗Eating whole wheat or white flour can cause stomach upset, but most common snack bars sold in pet stores use a lot of whole wheat flour. Every time I buy a whole bucket of oat flour from the supermarket and break it up with a wall breaker. I bought the bone cookie molds at home goods. ✨What I usually use to make dough is: oat flour peanut butter pumpkin puree applesauce egg If the dough is too dry, I will add more chicken broth and noodles. These are my favorite ingredients for caramel at home. ✨<How to> If you have a blender at home, use the blender to mix these ingredients and knead until you have a dough texture. Then flatten with a rolling pin and shape with a cookie cutter. Place in a 350°F oven for 30-35 minutes, flipping in between. #狗狗 ##晒狗子 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation42ae314590f04b7f861
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Yami 특선 我家毛孩子叫做焦糖,爱吃爱捣乱。以前我都是在宠物店给他买零食棒,开始他还很爱吃,但是从我给他做了这款零食棒之后,他就再也不吃宠物店卖的零食了。😂 做法十分简单,而且还很健康,可以根据自己家宠物的喜好来调整。对于狗狗来说,燕麦粉非常健康也很好消化,很多狗狗吃全麦或者白面都会肠胃不适,然而大多数宠物店里卖的普通零食棒会用很多全麦粉。每次我都是从超市买来整桶的燕麦粉,用破壁机打碎。 骨头的饼干模具我是在home goods买的。 ✨我常用来做面团的是: 燕麦粉 花生酱 南瓜泥 苹果酱 鸡蛋 如果面团太干,我会再加点鸡汤和面。这些都是我家焦糖最爱的食材。 ✨<做法> 如果家里有厨师机,用厨师机混合这些食材,一直揉到面团质地。以后用擀面杖擀平,再用饼干模具塑形。放入350华氏度的烤箱30-35分钟,中间翻面。 # 狗狗 ## 晒狗子 # # 金毛 #