Yami 특선
# 百万积分第7季 # It's been a long time since I opened the box, and today I just received an order that is almost all drinks. I was stunned when I opened the express box. There was a whole box of Honey Valley Juice Tea in it. I almost thought it sent me the wrong product. When I opened it, I found out that I bought too many drinks and packed them in one package. Also be safe. Only Lanfang Garden has been bought before. Although I like it, I dare not buy more for sleep. Although I haven't bought the other brands, Sheng He Tang and Xiang Piao Piao are very suitable for my taste, so I stocked up with confidence. Just in time for the Labor Day holiday, I can spend a few days at home and drink whatever I want 😆
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Yami 특선 # 百万积分第7季 # 好久没晒开箱了,今天刚好收到一单几乎全是饮料的来晒一下。 拆开快递箱简直惊呆了,里面还有一整个蜜谷果汁茶的箱子,差点以为给我发错货🤣拆开才发现是我饮料买太多统一装了,感觉这样比一个一个包塑料泡沫还要安全。 只有兰芳园是以前买过的,虽然喜欢但是为了睡眠还是没敢多买。其他虽然没买过但是生和堂和香飘飘两个牌子都很对我口味,还是放心大胆的囤了一堆。刚好赶在Labor Day小长假之前到,可以过几天在家想喝啥喝啥的幸福生活了😆