Yami 특선
# 百万积分第7季 # # 为爱花钱 # I placed an order again. This time, I repurchased Liangshihui's nougat I love the matcha flavor. Repurchased Master Kong's Honey Grapefruit Tea. For the vitality forest sparkling water, I bought two flavors. I highly recommend everyone to try the vitality forest, it is really not burdensome to drink. It's worth buying and trying, you won't regret it. Also bought black pepper crab flavored cup noodles buy one get one free for a total of six cups. Bought a series of good shop to try. I also bought a pack of Guilin rice noodles. I don’t know if they are delicious. I like Guilin rice noodles very much. This is the fourth order I have placed on Yamibuy. If I buy it again, I will really buy it. So I'm going to control myself, bless me.
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Yami 특선 # 百万积分第7季 # # 为爱花钱 # 我又下单了。这一次又回购了良食汇的牛扎糖 抹茶口味的我超喜欢吃。回购了康师傅的蜂蜜柚子茶。元气森林气泡水,我买了两种口味的。元气森林我超级推荐大家试一试,喝起来真的没什么负担的。非常值得买一买试一试,肯定不会后悔的。还买了黑胡椒螃蟹口味的杯面买一送一总共六杯。买了一系列的良品铺子来试一试。还买了一包桂林米粉不知道好不好吃,我超喜欢吃桂林米粉的。这是我在Yamibuy下的第四单了,如果再买就真的要剁手了。所以我要控制我自己,祝福我吧。