Yami 특선
# 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # today dinner steamed stir eggs, duck gizzard duck gizzard boil water first, then each of skim foam evenly cut into three pieces to facilitate duck gizzard poured tasty salad Oil, when the oil is hot, add the duck gizzard➕ soy sauce and oyster sauce. When the duck gizzard becomes darker, add peas and crispy bamboo shoots to match the color. Add salt as needed. Then I add Fu hot sauce to taste for about 10 minutes. The duck gizzard is ready. ~
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Yami 특선 # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # 今天的晚饭是蒸鸡蛋+爆炒鸭肫 先把鸭肫用水煮开,撇去白沫 然后将每一个鸭肫均匀的切成3小块 便于入味 倒入色拉油,待油烧热时放入鸭肫 ➕酱油和蚝油 待鸭肫颜色变深时加豌豆和脆笋配色 根据需要加盐 然后我又加了福辣酱调味 大概10分钟后鸭肫就做好了~