Yami 특선
Japanese towering eye drops that got up a long time ago🈶️Gold and silver The golden version of V+ is rich in vitamin B6, and the cooling degree is a little higher than that of the silver FX. External application of vitamin B6 can improve local nerve function and reduce inflammation, and taurine has a protective effect on the eyes. It is very effective to relieve eye fatigue, especially for those who use the eye transition; the insurmountable speed cools down and instantly eliminates eye fatigue! Comprehensive prevention of eye diseases; high concentration of taurine provides comprehensive nutrition. Introduction of eye drops👇 1. Relieve fatigue; coolness 2. Natural vitamin B6 ingredients; 3. Keep feeling refreshed 4. The coolness is heavier than the silver version Efficacy: Relieve eye fatigue, congestion, eye itching, vertigo, blepharitis, and discomfort when wearing contact lenses. Dosage: 1-3 drops once, 5-6 times a day ⭐️Warm reminder: The coolness of the towering eye drops 5⃣️ is already the highest, but the coolness of the golden version is maddening 5⃣️+‼ ️ For the first time ☝️, the little friend who uses it will definitely cry uncontrollably😭, but after getting used to this degree, the eyes will get a very pleasant feeling ❤️ When our eyes are very tired and dry, we can use eye drops, but do not use them for a long time, and the frequency should not be too high. The way to protect your eyes should be to drink more water, eat more vegetables, relax your eyes properly, and don't overuse👀. # 亚米好物 # # 今天也是yami的一天 #
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Yami 특선 很早前就🔥起来的日本参天眼药水🈶️金、银两种 金色版V+富含维生素B6,清凉度也比银色FX要更高一点。维生素B6外用可改善局部神经功能并减轻炎症反应,牛磺酸对眼睛有保护作用。缓解眼部疲劳,特别是用眼过渡的朋友极有效果哦;无法逾越的极速清凉,瞬间消除眼部疲劳!全效预防眼病;高浓度牛磺酸全面补充营养。 眼药水介绍👇 1.缓解疲劳;清凉度 2.天然维他命B6成分; 3.持续保持爽快感 4.清凉度比银版更重 功效:对于眼疲劳、充血、眼痒、眼花、眼睑炎,戴隐形眼镜时的不快感进行缓解。 用法用量:一回1-3滴,1日5-6 ⭐️温馨提示:参天眼药水的清凉度5⃣️已经是最高的了,但金色版的清凉度却是丧心病狂的5⃣️+‼️ 第一次☝️使用的小伙伴肯定会凉到不受控制的流泪😭,但是习惯这个度后,眼睛得到的将是无比畅快的感觉❤️ 当我们的眼睛非常疲劳干涩的时候,是可以使用眼药水的,但是不要长期使用,频率不可过高。保护眼睛的方式应该是多喝水,多吃蔬菜,适当的放松眼球,不要过度使用👀。 # 亚米好物 # # 今天也是yami的一天 #