Yami 특선
Yoyoyo~ I really strongly recommend this [Yumei·Spicy Bobo Chicken Seasoning]. It's delicious. It's so delicious that I really ate too much. Then I went home at night and gained 3 pounds. The practice is also zero skill: 1 : Just put the seasoning packet into the pot. Then add the broth. Stir well. 2: Prepare your favorite vegetables/meat/seafood. Soak in the seasoning. Just wait for 10 minutes. Or pour it into the pot and boil it in this weather. It's more refreshing. The taste is really good. The spiciness is moderate. I want to continue eating. If you have time, you can use bamboo skewers to skewer the ingredients into the soaking seasoning. It tastes more like a street. I skewered a few skewers and disliked it. ....because I just want to eat my Bobo basin quickly.. Later, I used it to make Bobo frog. It is also delicious. The recommendation index is 10 stars.
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Yami 특선 哟哟哟~真的要强烈推荐这款【与美·香辣钵钵鸡调料】好好吃.好吃到真的吃太多.然后晚上回家胖了3磅. 做法也是零技术: 1:就是把调料包倒入盆中.然后加入高汤.搅拌均匀. 2:准备自己爱吃的蔬菜/肉/海鲜..等(爱吃啥准备啥)把食材煮熟备用. 3:直接将食材浸泡在调料中.静待10来分钟即可.或者这天气倒入锅中煮开了吃.更爽. 味道真的好赞.辣度适中.麻辣中带着咸.真的吃了一口就想继续吃.如果有时间d话可以用竹签把食材串好在浸泡调味料中.吃起来更有街边的感觉.我串了几串嫌弃累.于是就直接全部倒进去煮了......因为我只想快点吃到我的钵钵盆..后来我又用它做了钵钵田鸡.也是好美味. 推荐指数10颗星.