Yami 특선
# 元气亚米红 # As someone who has never walked into a halal restaurant, I am so unfamiliar with Xinjiang fried rice noodles, it is hard to imagine what it tastes like. Since the snail noodles, selling pasta in China in the form of fast food has become a new trend in recent years. Those that can stand out among many products and make a name are basically delicious, plus many friends on DM. , I planted a grass silently, and bought mild spicy and spicy spicy on Yami. Although I can eat spicy food very well, I have to admit that mildly spicy is actually spicy. It is recommended that babies who cannot eat spicy food should not try it easily. The packaging of rice noodles is very simple, only one packet of rice noodles and one packet of sauce. I think the sauce is a bit too much. I am a heavy drinker myself. I think it is more than enough to put 2/3 of the sauce. Generally, half a bag can be used. The taste can be said to surprise me! Rice noodles are chewy and more chewy than sweet potato flour. The sauce is very rich, with the aroma of chopped pepper and cumin. It is very spicy and refreshing. I really want to eat it after eating. but! It also makes me love it and hate it! It's my fault that I didn't do my homework. I only knew that it wasn't instant food at all when I bought it. This powder needs to be soaked for 12 hours in advance to cook it soft! If you cook it directly, it will take 40 minutes... In addition, you need to add your own ingredients and stir-fry, it will be more like that, so the baby who has no time to cook, it is recommended to order takeout😅
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Yami 특선 # 元气亚米红 # 作为一个从没有走进过清真餐馆的人,对于新疆炒米粉实在是太陌生了,很难想象是什么味道。自螺蛳粉以后,中国地方的面食以速食形式贩售已经成为了这几年的新流行,能在众多产品中脱颖而出打响名号的基本都味道不错,加上DM上众多小伙伴的晒货,我就默默种了棵草,在亚米上买了微辣和爆辣。 虽然我很能吃辣,但不得不承认,微辣其实有辣度,建议不能吃辣的宝宝不要轻易尝试。 米粉包装非常简单,只有一包米粉和一包酱。酱我觉得给的有点多,我自己是重口,觉得放2/3绰绰有余,一般放半包也可以。 口味可以说有惊艳到我!米粉很有嚼劲,比红薯粉还弹牙。酱汁非常浓郁,有剁椒和孜然的香气,辣的很爽,确实是吃完还想吃。 但是!它也是让我又爱又恨的!怪我功课没怎么做,买到才知道它压根不是速食🙈这个粉要提前浸泡12个小时才能煮软哦!如果直接煮要煮40分钟...另外,需要自己加料,爆炒,才会比较像那么回事,所以没有时间做饭的宝宝,建议还是点外卖吧😅