Yami 특선
The first time I tried self-cooking, I just saw this unified boiled beef with a small stove. I bought one and tried it at home. I was completely amazed by the rice that came out, the texture was soft and chewy, completely higher than I expected. The boiled beef is very fragrant. The bamboo shoots and black fungus shreds go well with the beef. The beef is tender and not dry at all, and the taste is spicy and delicious. The amount of beef is acceptable, of course more would be better😄. One box is just right, I like it very much. I wanted to repurchase immediately, but found out that it was out of stock, so I bought self-cooked rice with other flavors. #2020亚米惊喜瞬间 #Looking forward to other flavors to surprise me 😋
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Yami 특선 第一次尝试自煮饭,刚好看到这款统一的开小灶的水煮牛肉,评价高就买个回家试试。出来的效果我完全被它的米饭给惊艳到了,口感滑软还带点嚼劲,完全高于我的预期。水煮牛肉很香,笋片和黑木耳丝跟牛肉超级搭,牛肉滑嫩一点也不干,味道麻麻辣辣的很下饭。牛肉的份量还能接受,当然多点会更好😄。一盒的份量刚好,我很喜欢。我本想立刻回购,但发现已经缺货了,我就购买了统一其他口味的自煮饭。# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 #期待其他口味再给我带出惊喜😋