Yami 특선
When the time came it # 面膜解说员 # ~ # 面膜控 # talk about Japan AXXZIA Xiao-owned gas Aurora # 面膜 # sense of experience. 1. 面膜 Packaging: Individual packaging, a total of 28 pieces. There are 🈶️4️⃣ small boxes in a large box, each small box contains 7️⃣ bags 面膜, 1️⃣ pieces per bag are stacked with plastic paper and placed in the bag. 2. Essence: The essence is transparent and has a slippery feel. 3. 面膜 paste clipping: 面膜 The cloth is very thin! Very docile! Personally, I think the 面膜 cloth area is large enough, but it cannot be applied to the nose 👃🏻. 4. 面膜 Taste: I will give 70/💯 out of 100, it doesn’t smell good hahahaha. 5. The duration of application: 15 to 20 minutes! ☑️The following is the punch & experience: 10/27/2020_Day 1️⃣: Finish at around 2:10. During the day 🈚️ make-up, apply it after bathing, and there is no discomfort on the whole face after applying it. During the process of applying, 🈚️ tingling feeling, also 🈚️ itching, no allergy, I personally think it is used for sensitive skin 🉑️ (I have sensitive skin). Note that this 面膜 needs to be patted with water before applying it. After applying it, I feel that the absorption is average, and I can touch the essential oil on my face. There is a pimple above my eyebrows in seconds... But after washing it with warm water, I think it still works. , the skin is a little more delicate. Please give time to the specific situation. 10/28/2020_Day 2️⃣: Finish the application at around 0:38. No makeup during the day, no discomfort during the process. After the first day of application, the oily skin has eased all day today, which is surprising! Also very happy. This 面膜 is to wash your face with water after applying it. 10/29/2020_Day 3️⃣: Finish at 2:13. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. The skin condition is improving, but there is no improvement on the small acne so far. 10/30/2020_Day 4️⃣: Finished at 6:09. After washing my face, I'm not going to put on makeup today. There has been too much homework recently, and everything is irregular. Now that my face is not rotten, I am very glad... 11/1/2020_Day 5️⃣: Finished at 21:06. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. 面膜 works, the skin becomes more delicate. 11/3/2020_Day 6️⃣: Finish at 1:36. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. The skin is getting better! ! ! ! ! 11/4/2020_Day 7️⃣: The first box is used up! Finished at 0:35. During the day 🈶️ make-up and apply it after washing your face. The skin is visibly improved! 11/5/2020_Day 8️⃣: Finish at 1:00. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. The pimples are gone, all! Department! 11/6/2020_Day 9️⃣: Finished at 4:19. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. The skin has become good ah, but unfortunately the work and rest is too bad. 11/9/2020_Day 🔟: Finished at 3:55. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. There are little fat spots on the skin, which are itchy and annoying. 11/10/2020_Day 11: Finish before 3:50. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. The skin on the cheeks is still itchy, hope it gets better soon. 11/10/2020_Day 12: Finished at 19:16. No makeup, put on after shower. The skin on the cheeks is itchy, but much better. 11/14/2020_Day 13: Finished at 5:19. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. After a few days off, the cheek problem is completely gone. Stop for a few days to see how your skin looks. 11/18/2020_Day 14: Finished at 2:04. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. Finished the second box! It's half done, so I'll make a brief summary. This 面膜 is very effective, and the skin is still in good condition after a period of time after use. Decided to go ahead and use up the remaining two boxes. 11/19/2020_Day 15: Finished at 13:26. No makeup, just apply after washing your face. The skin is so good lately that it explodes! This 面膜 really works, but it takes time. 11/20/2020_Day 16: Finished at 13:36. No makeup, put on after shower. The skin is still very good and today found the skin looks radiant. 11/23/2020_Day 17: Finished at 15:03. Apply after shower without makeup. The skin is in very good condition and radiant. 11/26/2020_Day 18: Finished at 12:38. Apply after shower without makeup. The skin condition is maintained very well👍🏻, the luster is not oily! It seems that the frequency is good whether it is applied once a day, once every three days or every week! 11/30/2020_Day 19: 15:22 Finished. Apply after shower without makeup. This 面膜 is amazing, my skin is so good that I don't have to wash my face... I took it. 12/5/2020_Day 20: 22:08 Finished. Apply after shower without makeup. The skin condition is very stable. 12/11/2020_Day 21:00:41 Finished. Apply after shower without makeup. Woohoo, I haven't washed my face for too many days and have a pimple on my temples. 12/15/2020_Day 22: Finished at 18:32. Apply after shower without makeup. Recently, I have been living irregularly with extremely painful and super large acne 😢 Hope to get better soon 🙏🏻 面膜 still works, at least the facial skin in other places is very good👍🏻 It is not enough to increase the frequency of use in winter! 12/29/2020_Day 23: Finished at 21:33. Finally, wait until the acne is basically gone, and continue to apply 面膜. This time, I haven't applied the skin for half a month and haven't returned to before liberation (the area without acne is still very good)! ! It feels like it can last a long time! 12/31/2020_Day 24: Finished at 2:30. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. My skin felt so smooth after applying it yesterday! It seems that the acne marks are going to disappear slowly 😢...It is well absorbed today👍🏻 12/31/2020_Day 25: Finished at 18:37. No makeup, just apply after washing your face. The heater was turned on today, and the whole room was dry. There is a little itching during the application process, but it is uncomfortable after application. 1/3/2021_Day 26: Finished at 2:53. No make-up during the day, apply after shower. Absorbs quickly today! Well maintained. 1/4/2021_Day 27: Finished at 2:04. No makeup during the day, just apply it after washing your face. Absorbed 8 too fast today too! 1/5/2021_Day 28: Finished at 3:35. Last day! There is no discomfort in the process of applying, just summarize it~ 🕧Summary: This 面膜 is really good to use, the film cloth is very thin, the packaging is very good, the effect of 面膜 lasts a long time. A lot of the remaining essence can be used to wipe the body and limbs. recommend! can buy!
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Yami 특선 就来当一次# 面膜解说员 #吧~# 面膜控 #讲一下日本AXXZIA晓资 气感极光# 面膜 #的使用感受。 1. 面膜包装:独立包装,共28片。一大盒里🈶️4️⃣小盒,每小盒里有7️⃣袋面膜,每袋1️⃣片跟塑料纸叠合放在袋中。 2. 精华液:精华液是透明的,有滑腻感。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:面膜布很薄!非常服帖!个人觉得面膜布面积够大,但是敷不到鼻翼👃🏻。 4. 面膜味道:满分100我给70/💯吧,不咋好闻哈哈哈哈。 5. 应敷时长:15~20分钟! ☑️以下为打卡&使用感受: 10/27/2020_第1️⃣天:2:10左右敷完。白天🈚️化妆,洗完澡敷的,敷完后全脸无不适。敷的过程中🈚️刺痛感,也🈚️发痒感,无过敏,个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。注意这个面膜要先拍个水再敷,我敷完觉得吸收得一般,就可以摸到脸上的精华油油的,眉毛上方秒出了一个痘……但是温水清洗了一下之后觉得还是管用的,皮肤有细腻一点。具体情况交给时间吧。 10/28/2020_第2️⃣天:0:38左右敷完。白天无化妆,过程中无不适。第一天敷完后今天整天皮肤出油情况有缓解,很意外!也很开心。这个面膜就是敷完之后要用清水洗把脸。 10/29/2020_第3️⃣天:2:13敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。皮肤状态在变好,但是目前对小痘痘无改善。 10/30/2020_第4️⃣天:6:09敷完。洗完脸敷的,今天不准备化妆。最近作业太多,什么都不规律,现在脸没烂已经很庆幸了…… 11/1/2020_第5️⃣天:21:06敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。面膜管用的,皮肤有变细腻。 11/3/2020_第6️⃣天:1:36敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。皮肤变得好好啊!!!!! 11/4/2020_第7️⃣天:第一盒用完啦!0:35敷完。白天🈶️化妆,洗完脸敷的。皮肤肉眼可见变好! 11/5/2020_第8️⃣天:1:00敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。痘痘都消了,全!部! 11/6/2020_第9️⃣天:4:19敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。皮肤变得好好啊啊,可惜作息太差了。 11/9/2020_第🔟天:3:55敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。皮肤出了点小小脂肪点,会痒,很烦。 11/10/2020_第11天:3:50前敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。脸颊皮肤依旧会痒,希望快点好。 11/10/2020_第12天:19:16敷完。无化妆,洗完澡敷的。脸颊皮肤会痒,但是好很多了。 11/14/2020_第13天:5:19敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。停了几天,脸颊问题已经完全好了。再停几天看看皮肤状态。 11/18/2020_第14天:2:04敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。用完第二盒啦!已经用完一半了,做个小总结。这个面膜是很有效的,皮肤用完后停一段时间依旧状态很好。决定继续用完剩下的两盒。 11/19/2020_第15天:13:26敷完。无化妆,洗完脸敷的。最近皮肤真是好到爆炸!这个面膜真的可以,就是需要时间。 11/20/2020_第16天:13:36敷完。无化妆,洗完澡敷的。皮肤依旧非常好,今天发现皮肤看起来很有光泽。 11/23/2020_第17天:15:03敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。皮肤状态非常好,很有光泽。 11/26/2020_第18天:12:38敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。皮肤状态保持的非常好👍🏻,光泽不出油!看来频率无论一天一敷或是三天一敷或是周敷都不错! 11/30/2020_第19天:15:22敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。这面膜神了,皮肤好到不洗脸都没问题……我服了。 12/5/2020_第20天:22:08敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。皮肤状态非常稳定。 12/11/2020_第21天:00:41敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。呜呜呜太多天没洗脸太阳穴长了一个痘。 12/15/2020_第22天:18:32敷完。无化妆洗完澡敷的。最近生活不规律长了巨痛无比的超大痘😢希望快点好起来🙏🏻面膜还是管用的,起码其他地方的面部皮肤都非常好👍🏻不够冬天要增加使用频率了! 12/29/2020_第23天:21:33敷完。终于等到痘痘基本消了,继续敷面膜。这次半个月没敷皮肤没回到解放前(不长痘的区域还是很好的)!!感觉真的可以维持蛮久的! 12/31/2020_第24天:2:30敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。昨天敷完皮肤好润!看来痘痕要慢慢消了😢……今天吸收很好👍🏻 12/31/2020_第25天:18:37敷完。无化妆,洗完脸敷的。今天开了暖风,整个房间都很干。敷的过程中有一点瘙痒感,但是敷完后🈚️不适。 1/3/2021_第26天:2:53敷完。白天无化妆,洗完澡敷的。今天吸收很快!维持地很好。 1/4/2021_第27天:2:04敷完。白天无化妆,洗完脸敷的。今天吸收也太快了8! 1/5/2021_第28天:3:35敷完。最后一天啦!敷的过程中无不适,直接总结吧~ 🕧总结:这个面膜真的很好用,膜布很薄,包装很好,面膜效果维持时间很长。剩余的精华很多可以用来抹身体和四肢。推荐!可以买!