Yami 특선
# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I want to strongly, strongly, and strongly recommend this Zhou Xiaojian tiger skin chicken feet. It was so delicious! Because I don't like spicy food, I bought the original flavor, which is $5.49. After buying it, I was confused and didn't know whether this kind of ready-to-eat meat was delicious. The packaging is normal, a small box. After opening it, it was quite fun, a pack of vacuum-packed chicken feet, there were three in it, and there was a lot of sauce. A packet of chili oil, decisively discarded. There is also a red envelope 🧧, which is actually a glove, hahahahaha! creative! Take out one, wow, fragrant don't want it! Because it was too crispy, a small piece fell off, sad, and the sauce kept dripping down. One hand followed, and nibbled quickly. Waxy and fragrant, the traditional recipe, the faint spiced and herbal flavors add a lot of color to the chicken feet. In an instant, three sticks were eaten up, not enough to eat, not enough to eat, buy more!
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Yami 특선 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 我要强烈,强烈,再强烈的推荐这款周小贱虎皮凤爪。真是太好吃了! 因为不太能吃辣,我买的原味,$5.49。买完之后心里七上八下,也不知道这种即食的肉类到底好不好吃。 包装很正常,一个小盒子。打开之后倒是挺好玩,一包真空包装的凤爪,里面有三只,酱汁很多。一包辣油,果断抛弃。还有一个红包🧧,其实是一个手套,哈哈哈哈哈!有创意! 拿出一根,哇,香的不要不要的!因为太酥烂了都掉了一小块,伤心,酱汁也一直往下滴。一只手接着,赶快啃。又糯又香,传统的配方,隐隐约约的五香和草药味给凤爪增色不少。 瞬间三根就被啃完了,不够吃啊不够吃,再买!