Yami 특선
# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #I heard that this Internet celebrity bread is the most durable and the best. YAMI Yami is $1.49, the lowest in the whole network~ Well, I bought three different flavors from Yami this time: cream, Red beans and matcha, but the breads sent are all pressed into cakes 🤣 I can't really capture their beauty! 🤔 According to reports, this bread uses lactic acid bacteria in natural yeast, which is comparable to freshly baked bread in a bakery. It is soft and delicious, so it tastes particularly soft and soft. It is also because of the use of natural yeast, lower fat content and no preservatives, so you will not feel guilty after eating a whole one! It's just the matcha flavor, I think it's okay, the matcha flavor is not very strong, but at least it's not sour. Of course, if it is still incomparable with fresh bread ~ it's just that sometimes you can't buy fresh bread and eat this to satisfy your hunger! Each is individually packaged, easy to carry, clean and hygienic. It is a perfect snack for breakfast or afternoon tea.
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Yami 특선 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #听说这款网红面包是最持久保鲜,而且又是最好吃的,YAMI 亚米 $1.49,全网最低~好吧,这次在亚米买了三个不同口味的:奶油、红豆和抹茶,可是,寄来的面包们都被压成饼啦🤣实在无法拍出它们的美呐!🤔 据介绍,这款面包使用的是天然酵母中的乳酸菌,堪比面包房新鲜出炉的面包,松软可口,因此吃起来口感特别松松软软的。 也正因为用的是天然酵母,脂肪含量更低,也不含防腐剂,所以吃了一整个都不会觉得有罪恶感嘿嘿! 只不过说的抹茶味,我觉得还好吧,抹茶味不是很浓郁,但起码没有酸味。当然啦,如果跟新鲜面包还是无法比的~只是有时候买不到新鲜面包吃这个充饥也不错呀! 每个都是独立小包装,方便携带,干净卫生,无论当早餐还是下午茶都是再合适不过的小吃啦。