# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # Recently, I have purchased a lot of health-care products on Yamibuy, and shared a few that I have eaten recently that I think are good. 1⃣️Beiding quinoa, corn, scallop porridge. The prepared porridge is very convenient. I also added shrimp, wash it before going to bed at night, add water and discharge the rice cooker to reserve the porridge function, and you can drink it in the morning. Two small packs, one for one person. 2⃣️Baozhilin Peach Gum Snow Swallow Saponin Rice Combination Pack. It is also very small package, a box of ten packets. One packet can be eaten twice at a time. It needs to be soaked overnight. The peach gum has impurities and needs to be picked. However, the amount of impurities in each package is uncertain. Figure 3 is the stew with the impurities selected after soaking. My personal method is to soak a bag after dinner, and it is almost half-soaked before going to bed to pick out impurities. Add water to the rice cooker, and start cooking after 7-8 hours for the soup function. But half-foamed hair is not as convenient as fully foamed hair to provoke impurities. The Sydney peach gum is stewed with Sydney to clear heat and moisten the lungs. I usually boil it once and drink it hot, then put it in the refrigerator, and drink it with coconut milk for the second meal😋 I like to eat jelly-like desserts, peach gum and coconut milk are really yyds! 3⃣️Beiding Peach Oolong Tea & Kumquat Lemon Passion Fruit Substitute Tea. Both are delicious. Beiding fruit tea is sour on the whole, which restores the sour taste of melons and fruits. Peach Oolong is a tea bag and a rock candy bag. I am a 3-point sweet milk tea player. I didn't put rock sugar at the beginning, I thought it was too sour, and it was more suitable to put it all in at the end. But as far as my personal taste is concerned, I would prefer the White Peach Oolong, which is strictly selected by NetEase, which is sweeter and has a stronger tea flavor. Kumquat Lemon Passion Fruit is freeze-dried block + crushed rock sugar. It's the same experience, I was sour again with only half of the rock sugar 🙄 Both of them are better with ice. Highly recommended, it's so refreshing to drink in summer. Summer is coming, healthy drinks are ready~
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# 亚米神仙减肥好物 # 最近在亚米上购入很多养生类的产品,分享几个最近吃了觉得不错的。 1⃣️北鼎 藜麦粟米瑶柱粥。配好的粥料很方便,我还加了虾仁,晚上睡前洗好加水放电饭煲里预约煮粥功能,早上就可以喝了。两小包入,一包一人份。 2⃣️宝芝林 桃胶雪燕皂角米组合装。也十分小包配好的,一盒十包。一次泡一包可以吃两次。需要泡发一晚上,桃胶有杂质,需要挑。但是每包杂质多少不定,图3是泡发后挑好杂质的炖料。我个人的方法是晚饭后泡一袋,睡前就差不多就是半泡发状态,挑出杂质。加水放入电饭锅,煲汤功能预约7-8小时后开始烹饪。但是半泡发不如完全泡发挑起杂质来方便。加雪梨一起炖了雪梨桃胶,清热润肺。我一般都是炖好喝一次热的,然后放冰箱,第二顿加椰奶喝冰的😋我很喜欢吃果冻类的甜品,桃胶加椰奶真的yyds! 3⃣️北鼎 蜜桃乌龙茶&金桔柠檬百香果代用茶。 两个都很好喝,北鼎果茶整体偏酸,很还原瓜果的本身的酸痛味。蜜桃乌龙是茶包和冰糖包,我是奶茶3分甜玩家,一开始没放冰糖,觉得太酸了,最后全放比较合适,只是中和掉酸味,也不会甜。但就我个人口味我会更喜欢网易严选的白桃乌龙,更香甜,而且茶味更重。金桔柠檬百香果是冻干块+碎冰糖。也是一样的经历,只放了一半冰糖的我再次被酸到🙄这两个都是冰的更好喝。强烈推荐,夏天喝着太爽了。 夏天快到了,健康饮品要备起来了~