Yami 특선

Pancake Lab (Part II)

Hello everyone, I am back with an update( ´< span class="s2">` )

The three products to be introduced today are from the cake family. Please follow the footsteps of foodie cakes and continue to explore all kinds of delicious food.Here we go

Introducing this Tokyo Banana Cream Filled Waffle< /span>. 

Cute little banana clothes(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

Take off the coat~take off~⁄(⁄ ⁄ ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ Panzi can’t help but stretch out her sinful claws, meow.

Take off the top~Take off~⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

Sweetness  ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Taste  This waffle without abs looks more like a french crepe. Both sides Printed with small bananas, cute~ The crispness of the outer waffle is different from that of the waffle, which is hard and crispy. < span class="s1">Like the hard edge of a roadside baked egg pie. Crispy with silky char Fragrant, nicely neutralizing the sweetness of the inner cream.

Taste  The creamy filling inside is unexpectedly sweet, with a hint of ripe banana. Single The cream is slightly sweet, but with the cake, it seems to be neutralized with a hint of refreshing. The taste of foaming cream With a little more moistness, with crunchy cakes, it's not too delicious.. The first place in the heart of the cakes Ah, the default default!

Next thing to try isTokyo Tamago"Ginza Tamago Black Sesame Cookies"

Student, are you a little black charcoal= =+

Pick it up and break it_

Make up my mind....ψ( ∇´)ψ

Sweetness  ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Taste  The skin of this little black is quite crisp, and the lips and teeth are full of black sesame crumbs and fragrance. Smell like a mouthful of fried sesame seeds when I was a child, very rich. The filling is not very thick, but it is relatively Sweet.

Taste  This cake itself is not very sweet, crispy and fragrant, and has a fresh taste like bamboo charcoal. But the filling is small and tastes big. The sweetness is very sufficient, and the sweetness of the whole cake is brought up /span>. It also happens to be the sweetness and crispiness of the cake, which complements each other perfectly. It is recommended that the little fairies eat it with green tea, sweet, fragrant, burnt, crispy, with endless aftertaste.

The last one was Kanazawa Manji's "Soy Baumkuchen"

Although it is a Baumkuchen, the flat shape is actually closer to a cake, so I also wrote it together in this article.

Look at this little white snow packaging.

Baumkuchen base, covered with a layer of white chocolate, sprinkled with crumbled nuts. There is a Zen feeling of stepping on red plums in the snow..

Sweetness  ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Taste  The upper layer of white chocolate looks like a lard cake, which is very magical.. Feeling between the upper palate, the tongue seems to be sealed with a thin layer of grease, but it is not greasy, with a slightly rusty taste. 

Taste  The top layer of white chocolate is the main source of sweetness, it tastes like a cream with a lot of sugar added, thankfully the crunch of the crushed nuts is neutralized by some. < /span>The lower layer of the layer cake has a very solid taste, and the bean flavor is not very prominent. It may also be overshadowed by the sweetness of white chocolate. This is a little pity. Recommended with tea:)

Three types of cakes, the default winner is the cream waffle(=´∀`)people∀`=) 

Whether it is eaten directly, with milk, or with tea, it is equally good. Sweet and crispy, unforgettable.. It is definitely a well-deserved unlimited repurchase Black sesame biscuits are also worth recommending. The strong black sesame flavor is guaranteed to attract health-conscious fairies. After all, black sesame is good for hair growth and delicious. ~ As for the soybean Baumkuchen, fairies who are curious can buy it to find out, and taste the light grease in the mouth of the cake. . After all, everyone's products from Kanazawa are also very good, the cakes are stable, and the craftsmanship is excellent!

This short and lean biscuit evaluation is over, the new fairies can look through the list of biscuit to see the four styles in the previous issueTokyo BananaEvaluation. Those who are interested want to try , you can also press tag on the picture to enter the purchase~ Please look forward to the next issue''Dandan''Class assessment (inexplicably shy).

I am your pancake, see you next time( ´ ` )

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Yami 특선


大家好,我回來更新啦( ´` )

今天要介紹的三款都是餅類家族的,請大家跟著吃貨餅的腳步,繼續來探索各種好吃的吧,Here we go

先介紹這款Tokyo Banana的「奶油夾心華夫餅」. 

小香蕉衣服萌萌噠(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

外套脫掉~脫掉~⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ 餅子忍不住伸出罪惡的小爪,喵.

上衣脫掉~脫掉~⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

甜度  ⭐️⭐️⭐️

口感  這款沒有了腹肌的華夫餅,看起來更像是法式薄脆餅. 兩邊都印著小香蕉,萌萌噠~外層華夫餅的脆度是有別於威化餅的,屬於硬脆硬脆那種. 像路邊烤雞蛋仔硬掉的邊緣部分. 脆中帶著絲絲焦香,很好地中和了內層奶油的甜.

味道  內層夾著的奶油夾心出乎意料的甜,帶著熟透的香蕉味. 單嚐奶油略顯甜膩,但加上餅反而中和得似乎帶著一絲清爽. 泡發奶油的口感更帶上一點潤度,配上脆脆的餅,簡直不要太好吃. 餅子心中的第一名啊,內定內定!

接下來要試的是Tokyo Tamago「銀座玉屋黑芝麻餅乾」

這位同學,你是不是一塊小黑炭= =+



甜度  ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

口感  這隻小黑的外皮相當的脆,咬下去唇齒都帶著黑芝麻的碎屑和噴香. 像小時候塞滿一口炒芝麻的味道,非常濃郁. 內餡並不是非常厚的一層,但是比較甜.

味道  這款餅本身並不是非常甜,脆中帶香,更有種竹炭般清新的味道. 但是內餡小個子大滋味. 甜度非常的足,把整塊餅的甜都提上去了. 也恰好是這份甜配在餅身的香脆,相得益彰. 建議小仙女們配著煎茶吃,甜、香、焦、脆,回味無窮.




年輪蛋糕的底,覆蓋一層白巧克,撒上果仁碎. 有种雪地茫茫踏红梅的禅意.

甜度  ⭐️⭐️⭐️

口感  上層白巧克力竟然像豬油糕,非常神奇. 餅子特意用門牙刮了一點點放舌頭與上顎之間感受,舌頭彷彿封了一層薄薄的油脂,卻不顯油膩,略帶沙沙的口感. 

味道  上層白巧克力是甜味的主要來源,嚐起來像加了很多糖的乳霜,幸好碎果仁的脆香中和了一些. 下層的千層糕口感十分紮實,豆味並不是很突出. 也可能是被白巧克力的甜蓋過了. 這點稍微可惜. 建議配茶:)


無論是直接吃,配牛奶,配茶,都同樣出色. 香甜脆,一吃難忘. 絕對是當之無愧的無限回購. 黑芝麻餅乾也是值得推薦的,濃濃的黑芝麻味,保證吸引養生掛的仙女們,畢竟黑芝麻養髮,還好吃,不二選擇嘛~ 至於大豆年輪蛋糕,獵奇心理的仙女們可以買來一探究竟,親嚐餅子口中淡淡的油脂感. 畢竟金澤大大家的出品也是很不錯的,蛋糕穩定發揮,出色的工藝!

這次的短小精幹的餅乾類測評到此結束啦,新來的仙女們可以翻翻餅子的曬單看上期的四款Tokyo Banana測評. 有感興趣的想試的,也可以按圖片上的tag進入購買~ 請期待下期的''蛋蛋''類測評吧(莫名害羞).

我是你們的餅子,下期再見( ´` )