Yami 특선

How to eat grapes without spitting grape skins

Japan direct mail27Bag of Yuha juice< span class="s2"> 

Purple grape favorite Put it in the freezer You can get a bag without spitting grape skins🍇and Bingbing Sweet🍊🍑and mangoes!

Order Friday Delivery Monday of the second week In Pheasant Village Part Received on Friday of the second week! Great speed

Use 27bags of juice sugar to express Yami

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Yami 특선



紫葡萄的最喜欢 放进冷冻室 就能得到一袋不用吐葡萄皮的🍇以及 冰冰的甜甜的🍊🍑和芒果!

周五下单 第二周的周一发货 在山鸡村的话 第二周的周五就收到啦!速度杠杠的
