Yami 특선
# 日本逛吃图鉴 # If you buy Yami and make up the order, you can buy Bolumeng snacks. Each item is not large and the price is not high. Blind buying will hardly step on the thunder. This time, I bought this mini chocolate sandwich cookie. It is long and small, but there are a lot of cookies inside, and it is full. After eating all kinds of over-packaged biscuits and seeing this kind of packaging, I feel really affordable 😂 The little cookies are crunchy and the chocolate in the middle is delicious. The chocolate taste is very strong but not too sweet. Such a pack has a total of 120 calories, and it will not be too much of a burden to eat it in one sitting with your teammates. Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Yami 특선 # 日本逛吃图鉴 # 买亚米凑单就买波路梦小零食,每款量不大价格也不高,盲买几乎不会踩雷。 这次买了这款迷你巧克力夹心曲奇,长长一条,体积不大但里面曲奇也不少,塞得满满当当。吃多了各种过度包装的饼干再看到这种包装就觉得真是实惠啊😂 小曲奇很脆,中间的巧克力也很好吃。巧克力味道很浓但不会太甜,整体挺香,一口吃好几块也不会觉得腻。 这么一包总热量120大卡,和队友分着一口气吃完,不会有太大的负担。 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟