Yami 특선
# 独家懒人快手菜谱 # The fried glutinous rice that adults and children love to eat, the cooking method is simple and time-saving. Soak the glutinous rice for about four hours. After soaking for too long, the stickiness will become stronger and more likely to form a ball, so three or four hours is almost the same. Here is a small pint of glutinous rice, which is steamed for about 20 minutes. I only have cabbage at home. , pork belly and sausage, if you have mushrooms, it will be even better. Heat oil in a pan and sauté shredded pork belly, sausage and cabbage until fragrant, then add cooked glutinous rice, simply add salt, light soy sauce, sugar, a little dark soy sauce, add some Boiled bone broth, so that the glutinous rice will be soft and not too dry, just stir-fry the glutinous rice and sprinkle some chopped green onion, and you're done!
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Yami 특선 # 独家懒人快手菜谱 # 大人小孩都爱吃的炒糯米饭,熟炒做法简单又省时. 糯米浸泡四小时左右,泡太久后粘性会越来越强,容易粘成一团,所以三四个小时就差不多了.我这里是一小pint的糯米,大概蒸20分钟左右,家里只有高丽菜、五花肉和香肠,如果有香菇就更好啦.热锅下油爆香五花肉丝、香肠和高丽菜,然后加入熟糯米饭,调味料则简单加盐、生抽、糖、少许老抽,加点熬制的骨头汤汁,这样糯米会软点不会太干,糯米饭炒松了就可以了撒点葱花,搞定!