Ritung's sea salt lychee brew is definitely worth it for babies! A pack of $6.99 can make 10 cups, and the taste is similar to Kirin's bottled drinks. It contains 0.3% lychee juice and Okinawan sea salt to replenish hydration and electrolytes in a healthy and delicious way. The package states that each stick is brewed with 180ml of water, but I think it is too sweet. In fact, you can make it according to your liking, because the taste is diluted and delicious. In the photo, I can still taste the obvious lychee flavor after pouring out a large glass of water. A small amount of sea salt relieves the sweetness of lychee and brings a refreshing taste experience. A pack of calories is 38 kcal, which is also very friendly. # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #
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日东的海盐荔枝冲饮绝对值得宝宝们冲冲冲!一包6.99刀,可以冲10杯哦,而且冲出来的味道跟Kirin的瓶装饮料差不多呢。 它含有0.3%的荔枝果汁和冲绳海盐,以健康美味的方式补充水分和电解质。 包装上写每条以180毫升水冲泡,但是我觉得那样太甜了,其实完全可以按照自己的喜好来,因为这个味道冲淡了也很好喝。照片里我这满满一大杯水冲出来还是可以尝到明显的荔枝味,微量的海盐缓解了荔枝的甜腻,给人带来清爽的味觉体验。一包卡路里38千卡,也是非常友好了哦。 # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #