# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Heivy Collagen Oolong Tea Mask This is a colored mask. The light green thin fiber mask paper is very suitable for me It is also very comfortable to smell and apply. I think this mask is not bad. I can see whether I have applied or not applied the skin the next day. If I encounter a good price, I will repurchase the mask. For me, what should I improve except for the high price? better
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# 摸着良心来种草啦 # Heivy 胶原蛋白乌龙茶面膜 这是一款有颜色的面膜 淡绿色的薄纤维面膜纸 对我来说非常贴合 精华液较清爽 一点都不粘 吸收快 保湿功效在我这里是肉眼可见 味道也很清新 好闻 敷着也很舒服 我觉得这款面膜还不错 第二天起来有敷和没敷皮肤状态看得出来 碰到好价格还是会回购 面膜对我来说 要改善什么的除了价位高的 功效会好点