Yami 특선
Yuchen meat muffins are definitely the best meat muffins I have ever eaten! Youchen meat muffins have always been loved by everyone for their crispy, salty, sweet, thin skin and many fillings, healthy and delicious. At first, I also planted this meat muffin in the drying circle, and then I finally waited for YAMI to replenish it! The Napoleon cake I just said today has nothing to do with Napoleon, there is no wife in the wife cake, the Black Forest cake is not black, and New Orleans does not produce baked wings, there is no pineapple in the pineapple bun, and there is no beef tongue. There is no beef tongue in the cake, but the Youchen meat muffin really has meat floss in it! The skin of Youchen meat muffin is not thick, the fat content is relatively low, and it is relatively dry, so it will not feel greasy. There is tension, and it can pull out strips of filamentous meat floss. There are a total of 15 individual small packages in a box of meat muffins, which are very convenient to eat and take out. Not only the meat muffins that you need to satisfy your cravings during the hours between classes, but also a meat muffin at work! My favorite is to eat it for breakfast, with a cup of hot tea or hot coffee, to start the day full of energy! # 摸着良心来种草啦 #
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Yami 특선 友臣 肉鬆餅絕對是我吃過最好吃的肉鬆餅!友臣肉鬆餅以其酥香咸甜、皮薄餡多、健康美味的特點,一直深受大家的喜歡。最初我也是在曬曬圈裡種草的這一款肉鬆餅,後來終於等到 YAMI 亚米 補貨了! 今天剛說的拿破侖蛋糕和拿破侖沒半毛錢關係、老婆餅裡吃不出老婆、黑森林蛋糕並不黑、而新奧爾良並不產烤翅、菠蘿包里沒有菠蘿、牛舌餅裡沒有牛舌,而 友臣 肉鬆餅裡真的是有肉鬆的喔! 友臣肉鬆餅的表皮不厚,脂肪含量比較低,加上本身比較乾,吃起來不會覺得膩,裡面的肉鬆韌度是對比同類型產品中最好的,掰開的時候能明顯感覺到有拉力,能扯出一條條的絲狀肉鬆。 一盒肉鬆餅裡一共有15包獨立的小包裝,食用和帶著出門都很方便的。不僅僅是在課間小時光需要解饞的肉鬆餅,在工作的時候來一塊肉鬆餅也是很不錯喔!我最喜歡的還是當早餐吃,配一杯熱茶或者熱咖啡,開啟元氣滿滿的一天! # 摸着良心来种草啦 #