Yami 특선
Today I would like to introduce to you a big stumbling block on my way to lose weight this year: tumbler seafood fried noodles. Let’s talk about its seasoning package first. As can be seen from Figure 4, in addition to the conventional ones, there are dried squid slices and crab meat in the dried vegetable package. The seasoning package is not powder, but sauce. Besides, its noodles, the width of the noodles is nearly 1.5 times that of ordinary instant noodles, and the taste is particularly Q-bounce. As for how delicious it is, let me say this: I used to eat instant noodles with almost no soup, just one or two bites, because I think the MSG taste is too heavy, but I can't help the soup of this noodle. Drink a lot because it's pretty much the taste of Korean Hoisin Doenjang Soup. Its price is higher than the average tumbler noodles, and I don't know why I can't buy it in Hmart, Yami is out of stock super fast, if you are interested, please click the arrival notice first. 🌶Spiciness: ⭐⭐⭐ # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 #
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Yami 특선 今天给大家介绍一下今年我减肥路上的一大拦路虎: 不倒翁海鲜炒码面。 先说它的料包,从图4就可以看出,干蔬菜包里除了常规的那些还有干鱿鱼片和蟹肉粒,调料包也不是粉状的,而是酱。再说它的面饼,面条宽度将近是一般泡面的1.5倍,口感特别Q弹。 至于它的好吃程度,且让我这么说: 我以往吃泡面几乎不喝汤,喝也就是一两口,因为我觉得味精味太重了,但是这款面的汤我总是忍不住喝很多,因为它差不多就是韩式海鲜大酱汤的味道。 它的价格比一般不倒翁的面高一些,而且我不知道为什么Hmart里面买不到,亚米断货超级快,感兴趣的先按个到货通知吧。 🌶辣度: ⭐⭐⭐ # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 #