Yami 특선
# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 3. Let me recommend # Chuan Wazi Double Pepper Sauce#, I am actually a very spicy person, in the Northeast. But this one is really spicy...I have never been able to buy hot enough chili peppers in China, and this sauce is complete. I made a stir-fried pork belly once, as shown in picture 2. Personally recommend that it is best to be fried with green peppers. The fragrance of green peppers and the spiciness of green peppers are mixed together. It is much stronger than the banana peppers here, which are not spicy and tasteless at all. Also tried dicing leftover Orleans chicken nuggets from roasting and leftover fish balls in the fridge for fried rice. Personally, I feel that the taste of fried rice will be worse when I put it directly into it. This is more suitable for fried rice to be used like bibimbap sauce and fermented bean curd.
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Yami 특선 # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 3.来推荐一下# 川娃子 双椒酱#,我其实是个很能吃辣的人了,在东北的话。不过这个真的很辣……我在这一直没买到国内那种够辣的尖辣椒,有了这个酱就圆满了。我做了一次干煸五花肉,如图二。个人推荐最好配上青椒一起炒,青椒的清香和绿尖辣椒的辣味混在一起巨棒。可比这边那些一点不辣也没啥味儿的banana pepper强太多。 还试过把烤了剩下的奥尔良鸡肉块和冰箱里剩下的鱼丸切块做炒饭。个人感觉直接放进去炒饭味道会差一些,这个更适合炒饭后拿来像拌饭酱啊腐乳之类,挖一点配着吃。