# 2022双节快乐 # Durian lovers snacks Lao Yang Durian Cake As a durian lover, I recently stocked up a lot of durian-flavored snacks from Yami. I started to eat it slowly. I just tried this Laoyang durian cake in the past two days, and it is a must-have for durian lovers. snacks~ Before, I especially liked Lao Yang's salted egg yolk cake. I like salted eggs, the crispy taste of yellow noodles, and the taste of salty and sweet fusion. This Lao Yang Durian Cake combines the taste of Lao Yang Salted Egg Yolk Cake with the taste of durian. Crispy taste, with durian flavor, one bite, can't stop eating~ This Lao Yang Durian Cake is priced at $2.49 at Yamibuy, and it comes in a separate small package for easy portability. Friends who like durian flavor can try it~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 榴莲爱好者小零食 老杨榴莲饼 作为榴莲爱好者,最近从亚米囤货了好多榴莲味的小零食~开始慢慢吃起来了,这两天刚刚尝了这款老杨榴莲饼,又是一款榴莲爱好者家中必备小零食~ 之前特别喜欢吃老杨的咸蛋黄饼喜欢咸蛋,黄面酥脆的口感,以及咸甜融合的味道。而这款老杨榴莲饼融合了老杨咸蛋黄饼的口感和榴莲的味道。酥脆的口感,搭配着榴莲味,一口一个,吃的停不下来~ 这款老杨榴莲饼在亚米售价为$2.49,具有独立小包装,方便携带。喜欢榴莲口味的小伙伴可以试试呀~