Yami 특선
# 我的囤货清单 # Musang King's durian cake must be included in the snack hoarding list. Really insatiable. If you are a durian lover, you can buy, buy, stock up. There are 4 packs in this box. All are individually sealed. The Musang King brand of durian pancakes has a very high rating on Yamibuy. It seems that there are many durian lovers. Durian cakes are very similar to those taro cakes. The outer crust is very soft. It's just that the stuffing inside is different. Of course, the durian cake is filled with fragrant durian filling. It tastes really good when you bite into it. Soft. But chewy. The strong fragrance of durian is really enough. But the whole house is full of this smell 😂 can't go away for a long time. Very full. It can be served as a snack or with coffee and milk for breakfast.
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Yami 특선 # 我的囤货清单 # 零食囤货清单一定要有猫山王的榴莲饼呀. 真的百吃不厌. 如果你是榴莲控的话可以买买买囤囤囤了哦. 这样一盒里有4包装. 都是独立密封装的. 猫山王这牌子的榴莲饼在亚米上的评分蛮高. 看来很多爱榴莲人士呀. 榴莲饼和那些芋头酥老婆饼什么的很类似. 都是外层的饼皮很软. 就是里面的馅不一样. 榴莲饼里面当然是香香的榴莲馅啦. 咬下去的口感真的棒极啦. 软软的.但是却很有嚼劲. 榴莲的浓郁香味真的很足. 不过满屋子也是都这味儿😂久久不能散去. 很饱腹. 可以当作小点心或者早餐配点咖啡牛奶就好.