Yami 특선
I am a senior mobile game party PUBG (just got rid of the box haha 😆) Recently, I have been playing games for a long time and my neck is very uncomfortable, so I bought this Baizhi moxibustion box and it was very comfortable after I used it up, and my mother also gave me a wave of Amway. Just right Stop her nagging my broken mouth😂 "What time is it, still not sleeping..." 😱
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Yami 특선 我是资深手游党 绝地求生(刚刚摆脱落地成盒 哈哈😆) 最近打游戏久了 脖子特别难受 所以买了个这个白芷艾灸盒 用完了超舒服 然后我妈也被我安利了一波. 正好堵住她唠叨我的碎嘴😂 “几点啦,还不睡觉…”😱