A must-have for autumn and winter, hyaluronic acid from Sun Society.
I don’t know if there are fairies with severe sensitive skin like me, who can’t easily change lotions and creams. Even slightly thicker lotions can’t absorb that. At present, Panzi’s daily lotion is IPSA’s self-discipline cycle No. 1 milk, and all the fairies have used it. Knowing that its texture is watery and watery. For combination skin, size 1 is perfectly fine to use in summer, but in autumn and winter, it is a bit lacking in moisturizing.
At this time, I will add the hyaluronic acid of Taiyang Society to the No. 1 milk. Squeeze out a drop or two, mix the thick texture into the thin lotion, apply it on the face and gently circle to help absorption. After use, you will feel the palm of your fingertips It's a little sticky, but not the kind of heavy feeling that can't be absorbed. It depends on it for the safety of autumn and winter.
In terms of the choice of hyaluronic acid, there are two types of pancakes in the private collection. The one from Sun Society is absolutely good and cheap, and the other one is actually not expensive. If fairies are interested, we will talk about another hyaluronic acid in detail in the next issue of Pancake Lab. Bar.
If you like or are interested in trying this hyaluronic acid, remember to click the tag on the picture to buy it ( ´▽` )ノ

不知道有沒有仙女像我一樣嚴重敏感肌,不能輕易換乳液乳霜. 甚至稍微厚重一些的乳液都無法吸收那種. 目前餅子的日常乳液是IPSA的自律循環一號乳,用過的仙女都知道它的質地是稀溜溜的水狀. 作為混油皮來說,一號在夏天用是完全可以的,可是進入秋冬就有點不夠保濕了.
這時候我會在一號乳上添加太陽社的玻尿酸. 擠出一兩滴,濃稠的質地混合在清稀的乳液上,抹上臉輕輕打圈幫助吸收. 用完會感覺指尖掌心稍微有點黏,但不是那種無法吸收的厚重感. 秋冬安全過度就靠它了.
在玻尿酸的選擇上,餅子私藏有兩款. 太陽社這款絕對物美價廉,另外一款其實也不貴,如果仙女們有興趣那下期的餅子實驗室我們再詳細聊聊另一款玻尿酸吧.
如果你喜歡或有興趣試試這款玻尿酸,記得按圖片上的tag進去購買喔( ´▽` )ノ