# 上亚米瓜分10w+ #范科白点 This chocolate biscuit won my heart right away! Crunchy and delicious! Not too sweet to eat just right! A small piece is great, but the disadvantage is that the design of the packaging bag is not good, you have to eat it once you open it, otherwise it is not easy to store! Not convenient enough to carry!
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# 上亚米瓜分10w+ #卟柯零点这款巧克力小饼一下子就拿捏了我的心呀!脆脆的很好吃!不甜吃着刚刚好!小小一块超级棒, 缺点是包装袋设计不好,打开就要一次吃完不然不好保存!携带不够方便!