【Yami Trial】Give me a little hair💐💐 Today, weed up a small fresh hand cream with a good-looking appearance. In winter, when the hands explode the planetary people, there are always two, three, four, five or six hand creams at home. When it comes to autumn and winter, I will buy all kinds of hand creams. This one is different from the general squeezed toothpaste packaging. It is a simple and rough digging of a large lump, which is suitable for use at home at any time. The fragrance is light floral, not pungent or sweet. One thing that's both good and bad is the boxed design. The downside is that the big opening is easy to fly in, but I don't mind hand cream. The advantage is that it can be washed after use and used as a jewelry storage box. This is a big plus. Yan control people buy it~~
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【亚米试用】之给我一朵小发发💐💐 今天拔草一个颜值爆表小清新护手霜。冬天手炸裂星球人,家中常备二三四五六只护手霜。一到秋冬,就各种买买买护手霜。 这一款不同于一般挤牙膏包装的那种,是开盖简单粗暴挖一大坨的,适合放在家随时取用。香味是淡淡的花香,不刺鼻不甜腻。 有一个又是好处又是坏处的地方就是这个盒装设计。坏处是大开口容易飞进去小毛毛,不过我对于护手霜倒是不大介意。好处是用完可以洗干净当首饰收纳盒。这个是大大加分。颜控们买起来哟~~~