# 新春甜茶 #Naturally sweet afternoon tea, red dates and wolfberry tea🍵# 熬夜党 #Essential, start brewing in a thermos cup in your twenties Wolfberry is the norm among young people nowadays. Haha, it’s no longer just for the elderly. Today's young people know how to maintain health # 我的囤货清单 #The red dates have been cut, and there is no need to spit out the cores. A few wolfberries will boost your energy for the day. However, no matter how good the health tea is, don’t be greedy for it # 方家铺子 # Nourishing and healthy food nutrition expert # 冬日养生 #After the year is over, the plan for the year lies in spring, and it is even more important to take care of yourself~ Wolfberry, red dates, longan, white fungus, lotus seeds, and lily feel like these are perfect combinations no matter how they are paired.
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# 新春甜茶 #自然清甜的下午茶,红枣枸杞茶🍵# 熬夜党 #必备,二十几岁就开始保温杯里泡枸杞是现在年轻人的常态。哈哈,已经不在是老人家专属。现在的年轻人是懂得养生的# 我的囤货清单 #红枣片都已经切好了,也不用吐核,来几个枸杞,一天的精神都上来了。 不过养生茶再好,也莫要“贪杯”哦# 方家铺子 # 滋补养生的食养专家# 冬日养生 #过了,一年之计在于春,更要养起来~ 枸杞,红枣,桂圆,银耳,莲子,百合感觉这几个不管怎么搭都完美CP