Before I knew it, I bought more than 3400 dollars in Yami last year Almost all of them are snacks, bread, and whole grains, because I don’t like shopping in Yachao. If Yamu still makes fresh series, I don’t think I will go to Yachao to buy food in the future. After spending so much, should you give me some benefits @雅米小二
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不知不觉,去年在亚米买了3400多的钱 几乎都是零食,面包,五谷杂粮,因为特别不喜欢逛亚超,如果亚目还做生鲜系列,估计我以后都不会去亚超买菜了 消费了这么多,是不是应该送点什么福利给我啊@亚米小二