Speaking of snacks, I don't know much, but I still know a little bit about drinking. So much to drink without noticing (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Refreshing coffee and milk tea, refreshing and delicious fruit juice and natural water, calcium-supplemented milk, red jujube tea to warm the stomach and fend off cold, and brown sugar four things to aid digestion, lactic acid bacteria drink o(^▽^)o I feel cute (?) ~~
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说起零食 我了解的不是很多,但是喝的 还是有一些了解的 一不留神就屯了这么多喝的了(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 有提神醒脑的咖啡和奶茶 清爽可口的果汁和天然水 补钙的牛奶 暖胃驱寒的红枣茶和黑糖四物 助消化的乳酸菌饮料o(^▽^)o 感觉自己萌萌哒(?)~~