Yami 특선
Recommended index five stars🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 The effect of closing your mouth is really there! At first, I bought a few bottles with the mentality of trying it out... I thought it would take at least half of the bottle to one bottle to know the effect. Unexpectedly, after using a little bit, the pores are obviously improved 👀 Taste = Dove soap Color = milk🥛 Texture = tap water 🤪The wet compress has a high durability👍🏼 But the fairies remember not to apply it for too long 😘
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Yami 특선 推荐指数五颗星🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 闭口效果真的有哦! 一开始抱着试试看的心态购买了几瓶... 本以为要使用至少大半瓶到一瓶后才可以知道效果。 万万没想到才用了一点点毛孔明显有所改善哦👀 味道=Dove香皂 颜色=牛奶🥛 质感=自来水 🤪湿敷持久度很高👍🏼不过小仙女们记得不要敷太久哦😘