🎉🎉🎉Congratulations to the first Yami couple🎉🎉🎉 Witnessed by CEO Da Da and Xiao Er A couple of Amish brides wearing their dowry (líng) make-up (shí) Step into the palace of marriage Tonight, under the witness of all of us who eat melons with yami iron powder, 🤵 King Yami has spoken his confession ❤️ 👰 Princess Yami also boldly dropped her bouquet and said yes ❤️ Let us offer our most sincere blessings to the newlyweds, and hope that their strong union will Can bring you more benefits, faster delivery, better quality Ya! Meter! Produce! Taste! I'm Sanfan/Seattle group owner and wedding host Panzi, thank you all ❤️ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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🎉🎉🎉恭喜第一對亞米新人🎉🎉🎉 在CEO大大和小二的見證下 一對亞米新人帶著他們的嫁(líng)妝(shí) 齊步踏入婚姻的殿堂 今晚,在我們一眾亞米鐵粉吃瓜群眾的見證下, 🤵亞米國王 說出了他的告白❤️ 👰亞米公主 也大膽地拋下捧花說了願意❤️ 讓我們為新人獻上最誠摯的祝福,希望他們的強強結合, 能為大家帶來更多福利,更快速遞,更好質量的 亞!米!產!品! 我是三番/西雅圖群主,兼婚慶主持人餅子,謝謝大家❤️ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻