Yami 특선
Hello everyone, I am here to recommend the repurchase of snacks again! He Fengyuan Brand Dried Sweet Potato $1.59 Comment: This dried sweet potato is the most cost-effective and delicious dried sweet potato I have found on Yami so far! Not too dry and sweet potato fragrance. This price is also very good, watching TV, movies and eating a pack of snacks all at once, so I must be repurchasing the product. Taiwan Fook Kee Braised Egg 6⃣️pcs $3.89 Comments: This braised egg is one of my favorites. delicious! When you eat snail noodles with lazy boiled eggs, just put this marinated egg. It’s not dry, but it has marinated flavor. It’s really not too delicious. The price is good, but because it is delicious, I will buy it again. Totole Green Bean Soup $1.09 Comments: Bought at a discount, great value for money! It feels like a pack is one person's weight. I like to put it in the refrigerator to freeze, and then when it's hot in summer, just take it out and drink it. Much like the domestic mung bean ice or something, it is not too sweet and the sweetness is moderate. Eagle Money Tempeh Dace $2.99 Comments: Look for this brand, my mother said. This canned dace is delicious. The meal artifact is a piece cheaper than my Yachao! So buy the best one on Yami, it doesn't hurt every time you compare. Ha ha White oil sausage about 4 knives Comments: I will repurchase every time I have it. Just love to eat, the whole family loves it. When cooking, put it down and steam it, and it can be eaten together when the rice is cooked, or it is also delicious for stir-frying! Cost-effective. Tondaren Japanese Tonkotsu Ramen / Hot and Sour Tonkotsu $1.99 Comments: Everyone will feel delicious after eating it. Really don't lie. My favorite is the sweet and sour soup. Drink it all up! Repurchase, repurchase, repurchase, important thing! Crunchy Biscuits BBQ/ Chives $0.79 Comments: This cookie is really delicious! Very crispy and fragrant! Take one to school and work, and you can definitely eat it! I bought 10 of them this time. I don't need to express how much I love it. Time to say goodbye again! See you next time👋 -Spring ❤️
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Yami 특선 大家好,我又来推荐回购零食啦! 何丰源牌 地瓜干 $1.59 评价: 这个地瓜干是目前我在亚米上找到最划算最好吃的地瓜干了!不会太干又有地瓜香。这个价钱也很好,看电视,电影的零食一下子就吃完了一包,所以肯定是我回购产品。 台湾福记卤蛋 6⃣️颗入 $3.89 评价: 这个卤蛋是我最喜欢的一款。很好吃!吃螺蛳粉懒煮鸡蛋就放一个这个卤蛋,不干,但是有卤味,真的不要太好吃。性价比还好,但是因为好吃,所以还是会回购。 太太乐 绿豆汤 $1.09 评价: 打折买的,性价比高!感觉一包就是一个人的分量。我喜欢放进冰箱冷冻,然后夏天热了,直接拿出来喝就可以。很像国内的绿豆冰什么的,不会太甜,甜度适中。 鹰金钱 豆豉鲮鱼 $2.99 評價: 認准这个牌子,妈妈说的。这个罐头鲮鱼很好吃。下饭神器,比我这边的亚超便宜了一块!所以亚米上买最好的,每对比就没伤害。哈哈 白油肠 大概4刀左右 评价: 每次有货都会回购。就是爱吃,全家都爱。煮饭的时候放下去蒸,饭熟了就能一起吃,或者拿来炒菜也很好吃!性价比高。 汤达人 日式豚骨拉面 / 酸酸辣辣豚骨 $1.99 评价: 大家吃过都会觉得好吃。真的不骗人。最爱酸酸甜甜那款汤底。全喝光!回购回购回购,重要事情! 嘎吱脆饼干 烧烤味/ 香葱味 $0.79 评价: 这个饼干真的很好吃!很脆很香!上学上班带一条肯定能吃完!这次我很买了10条。不用表达就知道我有多爱了。 又到了说再见的时候了! 我们下期再见👋 - Spring ❤️