Yami 특선
My childhood was all kinds of dim sum noodles! When I was a kid, I would buy a pack of 50 cents a pack of crispy noodles to go home after school. (Is the price revealing the age?), and then my hobby has continued to the present, whether it is a little raccoon, a small monitor or Zhang Junya, I will not refuse all of them. The most amazing thing is that when I was in elementary school, I wanted to receive a package of crispy noodles for Christmas, but I couldn’t be happy the next day (I don’t know what I thought hahahaha) Although the taste is a matter of opinion, I really like this kind of small monitor that is individually packaged. It is difficult to save if you don’t open a large package. Every time you eat one or two packages, you will not get tired at all, and there are pieces of seaweed in it.
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Yami 특선 我的童年就是各种点心面啊干脆面!小时候放学都要买五毛钱一包的干脆面回家。(是不是物价暴露了年龄),然后我的爱好延续到了现在,不管是小浣熊,小班长还是张君雅我全都来者不拒。 最厉害的是小学时候曾经的圣诞节礼物是想收到一包干脆面,第二天起来开心的不行(不知道自己怎么想的哈哈哈哈) 虽然口味是见仁见智但我很喜欢这种独立包装的小班长,不会一大包拆开就很难保存,每次吃一两包完全不会腻,里面还有海苔碎。