Yami 특선
Shanxi home-style pasta to ask for praise! Mom's hand-made pasta, full of home taste. Ask for praise! Production Method: Step 1⃣️: It is also the most difficult step, of course, is to make noodles. This step is a headache for many friends, but in fact, it is not difficult to get started. Buy all-purpose flour, put it in a basin, add an appropriate amount of water, and grab it with your hands. The pasta in the picture is called pull-piece, and it needs to be relatively soft to the surface (similarly, there are tips, etc.; other pasta such as cut noodles need to be harder). Step 2⃣️: Wake up, in layman's terms... let it sit for a while. Step 3⃣️: Make sangzi, also called toppings, or just side dishes. The picture shows the simplest tomato egg 🍅🥚 noodles with some braised pork belly. Eggplant, potatoes, etc. can be used, and the cooking skills can be used freely, but not really... More can be used freely. Step 4⃣️: Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough to a thickness of about 0.5cm, then pull it into small pieces little by little, and throw it into a large pot of boiling water. Until the dough is smooth and there is no hard core, take it out and pour over the toppings and you can eat it. ***Add some Shanxi vinegar to taste better!
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Yami 특선 山西家常面食来求赞啦!妈妈亲手做的面点,满满的家的味道。求赞求赞! 制作方法: 第1⃣️步:也是最难的一步,当然是和面。这一步很多小伙伴很头疼,但是其实真的上手的话并不算难,购买all purpose的面粉,放在盆中,适量加入水,用手抓匀。图中的面食叫揪片,需要和面相对偏软(类似的还有剔尖等等;切面等其他面食需要硬一些)。 第2⃣️步:醒面,通俗的讲就是…放一会儿。 第3⃣️步:制作臊子,也叫浇头,或者就叫配菜。图中是最简单的番茄鸡蛋🍅🥚面,配了一些炖五花肉。茄子土豆等等都可以使用,厨艺精湛的小伙伴可以自由发挥,实在不会的……更可以自由发挥。 第4⃣️步:把面用擀面杖擀成0.5cm左右厚度的面片,然后就一点一点揪成小面片,扔进煮开水的大锅里就好了。直到面片爽滑没有硬面心,捞出来浇上浇头就可以吃啦。 ***加点山西陈醋味道更佳哦!