Yami 특선
Tang Daren is really good. Yami's instant noodles have basically been eaten, but the tonkotsu ramen is really delicious with added ingredients. One of the things I hate about some instant noodles is that there will be a lot of slag at the end, which is very uncomfortable, but the soup is very pure. I added crab sticks and lamb slices and it was super good and worth the price. Yeah, potatoes are still the taste of childhood, but the amount is quite small, I don't know if my appetite has grown hhhh. Boiled fish is suitable for lazy people. It is quite spicy, but the spicy taste is the main thing. Relatively speaking, it is more delicious in restaurants, but if you are too lazy to go out and buy it and you are too lazy to make your own, this ingredient is great.
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Yami 특선 汤达人真的很赞啊,亚米的方便面基本已经吃遍了,但是豚骨拉面真的是加了料也很好吃的。我很讨厌一些方便面的一点是吃到最后会有很多的渣渣,很难受,而汤达人就汤就很纯。我加了蟹肉棒和羊肉片,真的超级棒,这个价格值了。 呀土豆还是童年的味道,就是量挺少的,不知道是不是我胃口变大了hhhh。水煮鱼适合懒人做,挺辣的,但是辣味是主要,相对来说还是饭店里更好吃,但是懒得出门买又懒得自己做的话这个料很棒啦