Yami 특선
🌟Sunshine Hyaluronic Acid Liquid 🌟 Recently, I was planted with this hyaluronic acid stock solution. I found that the hyaluronic acid of the Sun Society is omnipotent. There are so many uses that you can't imagine 😂 Can be used with lotion, essence, cream, one drop at a time! If some creams are not moisturizing enough add a drop of this, absolutely moisturizing! Adding a drop to the mask can help the skin absorb the essence of the mask better! You can also add body lotion to double the moisturization, but if the body lotion itself is very moisturizing, there is no need to add it. It is also very good to add some whitening products, whitening and moisturizing once done! You can add liquid foundation, Sun Society hyaluronic acid can make the liquid foundation moisturizing, and increase the luster of the liquid foundation ❤️ Hyaluronic acid can save some dry products, such as dry air cushions, mascara, etc. In short, I recently fell in love with this hyaluronic acid stock solution. I can add a drop to everything I use. Haha, don't be greedy to add too much, just one drop is good ❤️
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Yami 특선 🌟太阳社玻尿酸原液🌟 最近被种草这款玻尿酸原液,发现太阳社玻尿酸是万能的,用法实在多到你们没法想象😂 可以搭配化妆水,精华、面霜都可以,每次一滴! 如果一些面霜不够滋润加一滴这个,绝对水嫩! 敷面膜时加一滴可以帮助皮肤更好的吸收面膜精华! 也可以加身体乳,滋润加倍,但是如果本身身体乳就是滋润度非常高的话,其实也没必要加,可以加一些美白产品也是很不错,美白保湿一次搞定! 可以加粉底液,太阳社玻尿酸可以让粉底液变得滋润,而且增加粉底液的光泽感❤️ 玻尿酸可以拯救一些干掉的产品,比如说干掉的气垫、睫毛膏这些的,总之最近爱上这款玻尿酸原液,用什么都可以加一滴哈哈,不要贪心加太多,一滴就好哦❤️