Yami 특선
#货到晒单#Good taste recommendation Instant noodles: unified hot and sour pork bone noodles. Slightly sour and slightly spicy, with a rich and not greasy taste, it is recommended to cook it, add enoki mushrooms, corn kernels, eggs, and lettuce. Xiaoyuzi: Jinzai spicy fish, suitable for people who like spicy taste, spicy and spicy, without leaving a fishy taste in the mouth after eating. Dried bean curd: Xiangxiangzui spicy bean curd has both texture and taste. It is also suitable for people who like spicy flavor. Compared with Jinzai’s dried bean curd, it has a stronger taste and more chewy texture. The spicy taste has enough stamina, and after eating, you can take a sip of a cold drink, which is a must for watching dramas. Milk tea: Among the milk teas at 3:15, my three favorites, the one from Sun Moon Lake has a faint scent of oolong tea. It is brewed with 1:1 Dahongpao tea and milk, and it has the taste of Taiwanese milk tea. Rose milk tea, rose tea-flavored milk-flavored sweetness is relatively light, very small and fresh, suitable for cold brewing, add boiling water to boil, let it dry to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate overnight before drinking, it will be better with sweet desserts. Earl Grey milk tea has a unique bergamot fragrance. Those who like it will feel refreshed and relieved. If you don't like it, don't try it easily, because it will feel like it has the smell of balsamic oil. Konjac Shuang: The spicy one in the bag is the best to eat, the red one in the box is greasy, and the pickled pepper is a little red, this one is added every time. Others, Glico's low-salt original biscuit sticks are recommended. Many haven't started eating yet. The above is just my personal opinion, I would be very honored if it has reference significance. Many of the raw materials have not yet been tried, and will be updated when there is time.
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Yami 특선 #货到晒单#好味推荐 泡面:统一的酸酸辣辣豚骨面。微酸微辣,香味浓郁不腻口,建议煮着吃,加金针菇,玉米粒,鸡蛋,球生菜。 小鱼仔:劲仔香辣味的鱼仔,适合喜辣味的人,香香辣辣,吃完嘴里不留腥味。 豆干:乡乡嘴麻辣豆干,口感和口味并存,同样适合喜辣味的人,和劲仔的豆干比,赢在口感更为扎实,更有嚼头。辣味后劲足,吃完吸一口冷饮,看剧必备。 奶茶:三点一刻奶茶里,最喜欢的三款,日月潭的有淡淡乌龙茶香味,用1:1的大红袍茶水和牛奶煮开来冲泡,很有台式奶茶的味道。玫瑰花奶茶,玫瑰花味茶味奶味甜味都比较淡,非常小清新,适合冷泡,加开水泡开,晾到常温后,放冰箱冷藏过夜后再喝,配甜口点心会比较赞。伯爵奶茶,独特的佛手柑香,喜欢的会觉得提神解腻,不喜欢的不要轻易尝试,因为会觉得像是有风油精的味道。 魔芋爽:袋装的香辣味的吃着最爽,盒装的红色的腻,泡椒的略冲,这款就每次都加购。 其他的,推荐格力高的低盐原味的饼干棒。好多还没开始吃。 以上仅代表个人观点,如果有参考意义,深感荣幸。原料类的很多还没开始尝试,有时间再更。