Yami 특선
Good skin and body must be taken internally and externally in order to have it, but if a lazy person like me wants me to spend two hours watching the heat, stewing this and cooking that, there is definitely no hope... But with Yami, it will be different! The portable brewing type really brought light to my health regimen! 1. Korean Dante Cereal Nutrition Powder 15 kinds of coarse grains are healthy in one step (really like the slogan), but I feel the conscience and say that this kind of soaking is delicious~ A box of 12 sticks and a cup are soaked for breakfast or dinner during the weight loss period That's it 😋 Low-calorie and full-bodied whole grains are good for hair, nails and skin and are worth the money! 2. Korean WANG Burdock Tea This is one of my favorite teas! Burdock itself is good for eyes and detoxification. Every time I feel a little anger or toothache, swelling and pain caused by heat poison, I will soak it in a pot and grab a small handful. I can drink it for a day. This full pot has been drunk for three or four months. only drank a third 3. Korean OTTOGI tumbler barley tea, this famous whitening and dampness-removing tea, is powdery like grain nutrition powder. 4. Taiwan's invincible barley tea This barley tea is completely different from the Korean tumbler. This is a real pack of real barley. This is also one of my favorite teas. When I wake up in the morning, if I find that I have some edema, I will quickly explain to my boyfriend to make it. Take a pot or soak in a thermos cup and take it to class to see the effect of eliminating edema in less than one class! The fragrance of coix seed is light, and a packet can be soaked in several pots 5. As a poor person who is lactose intolerant and loves milk tea, this sugar flow tea can be said to be -- it effectively makes me have the psychological effect of "I drank three cups of milk tea today, but the sugar will be lost". It's not particularly obvious, but aside from these, the tea itself is still very good. It tastes more like buckwheat tea. The rest is the red dates and wolfberry tea from BESTORE. I don't know why Yami can't find it, but I still think it will taste better if I wash some wolfberry and cut a few red dates. There is also chrysanthemum tea brought from China. Occasionally if I am too full, I will soak it with green tea leaves to help digestion and improve eyesight. After drinking tea for half a year, I obviously feel that my body is getting better and better. Not only that my eyes are not so dry, my stomach is also very stable (this word hahaha). The most obvious thing is the change in my skin. Halfway through the summer, I am a shade lighter than the winter. If there is no change in skin care products, I think it has a certain relationship with insisting on drinking these healthy teas
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Yami 특선 好的皮肤和身体一定是要内服外调才能拥有 但懒人如我 要我花费两小时看着火候炖这个煮那个 肯定是没啥希望…但是有了亚米就不一样啦!便携的冲泡式真的为我的养生之路带来了曙光! 1. 韩国丹特谷物营养粉 15种粗粮谷物 健康一步到位啊(真像广告词啊)但是摸着良心说 这种泡出来好香啊~ 一盒12条 一个杯子泡起来早餐或者减肥期的晚餐就搞定了😋 热量低 又有饱腹感 五谷杂粮本身就对发质、指甲还有皮肤有帮助 非常物有所值了! 2. 韩国WANG牛蒡茶 这个是我最常喝的茶之一了!牛蒡本身就是养眼排毒的 每次我感觉有些上火或者热毒引起的牙痛肿痛 我就会泡上一壶 抓上一小把可以喝一天 这满满一罐我愣是喝了三四个月才喝掉三分之一 3.韩国OTTOGI不倒翁薏米茶 这个大名鼎鼎的美白祛湿茶 和谷物营养粉一样是粉末状的 味道闻起来一股清香 泡出来是淡淡的白色 喝起来不涩口 滑滑的特别舒服 4. 台湾仁者无敌薏仁茶 这个薏仁茶和韩国不倒翁的完全不一样 这就是实打实的一包包真·薏仁 这也是我最喜欢的茶之一了 早晨起床要是发现自己有些水肿 就会赶紧交代男友泡上一壶 或者泡在保温杯里带去上课 一节课不到就能明显的看到消水肿的效果!薏仁香淡淡的 一包可以泡上好几壶 5. 日本汉方糖流茶 作为一个乳糖不耐又偏偏热爱奶茶的可怜人 这个糖流茶可谓是—— 有效让我产生“我今天喝了三杯奶茶但是糖分都会流失掉”的心理作用 作用没有特别明显 但是抛开这些 这个茶本身还是挺好喝的 喝起来更像是荞麦茶 剩下的是良品铺子的红枣枸杞茶 不知道为什么亚米找不着了 但我还是觉得自己洗点枸杞 切几个红枣味道会更好一些 还有从国内带来的菊花茶 偶尔吃太饱了会把它和绿茶叶一起泡 消食 明目 坚持喝茶的半年来 我明显感觉到身体越来越好 不仅仅是眼睛不再那么干涩 肠胃也很稳定(这个词哈哈哈) 最明显还是皮肤的变化 夏天过半 我却比冬天白上了一个色号 护肤品没有变动的情况下 我认为是和坚持喝这些养生的茶有一定的关系