Yami 특선

Day9 Xiyun Deep Sea Essence Moisturizing Mask

This mask was found on my brother's desk I asked me Brother When did you become so delicate🤣 (What's up with the latest men..) My brother told me it was him (.......00After the world is my one90The old aunt really doesn't understand it)

Out of curiosity I searched the internet for this mask

/span> Found this mask seems like a cheap big bowl A lot of people say it's useful Curiosity again< span class="s1"> I tried one  ;

Open the mask pack Take out the mask inside found that the serum is really quite a lot and Has a light fragrance It is also very docile on the face Unexpectedly OK very comfortable On the Internet, it is said that the mask paper is made of Tencel fiber So apply it very soft very smooth

The mask is still well absorbed Excess serum can also be applied to other parts of the body Places Overall It's quite a surprise I didn't expect that domestic products can do so well now Very gratified hahaha Recommend to friends Oh😉

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Yami 특선

Day9 希芸深海凝萃保湿面膜

这款面膜是在我弟的书桌上发现的 我问我弟 你咋什么时候变得如此精致🤣(最近的男人都怎么了..)我弟就跟我说是他的女同学送他的(.......00后的世界我一个90后的老阿姨确实不懂了)

出于好奇之心 我上网搜索了一波这款面膜 发现这款面膜似乎是个便宜大碗 一大堆人说各种好用 再次出于好奇之心 我试敷了一张 

打开面膜包装 拿出里面的面膜 发现精华液真的挺多的 而且有淡淡的香味 贴在脸上也很服帖 想不到还可以 挺舒服的 网上说面膜纸是用了天丝纤维 所以敷起来很柔和 很光滑

面膜还是很好吸收的 多余的精华还可以涂在身体别的地方 总的来说 还是挺惊喜的 没想到现在国货也能做的那么好 挺欣慰的哈哈哈 推荐给小伙伴们哦😉