Yami 특선

PLASKIN+ never trusts to reliance!


   PLASKIN+ is a beauty instrument, which I heard from friends in Korea and Hong Kong before is very popular. After planting grass for a long time, I finally got this baby.

   The principle of the machine: First explain to the little cuties, the main principle of PLASKIN+ is to penetrate the epidermis layer and reach the dermis layer with high-speed particles, thereby regenerating skin cells and strengthening the skin's barrier (this is my I have learned from the experience in the mall many times~) To be honest, I am very afraid of touching new things. I heard from a friend that arcadia mall has a counter for free experience. I went to experience it three times before and after. When I started, Miss SALES followed me. It is said that this machine is a multi-purpose machine, which can remove acne and light spots, whiten and brighten, increase skin elasticity, shrink pores, improve wrinkles, etc., etc., it is super worth having.

   First of all, let me first say that the baby has dry skin, dry in summer and winter, rarely breakouts, and the pores are not very obvious, but there are blackheads, because I always feel that using a peel-off mask and pig nose stickers will cause blackheads. Pull it out, but the pores will not shrink, and the blackheads will soon be filled with dust, and the blackhead will appear again, a vicious circle. So I have been insisting on rubbing it out little by little with cleansing oil, but with little effect.

   Introduce how to use: After cleansing, be sure to dry your face, and then use the plasma radiation from the front of the fuselage along the skin texture to touch the skin for ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash your face. And after using PLAKIN+, it is better to use skin care products or re-apply a mask for better absorption. After using it, the skin is very tender, it is tender when you touch it, and then fifteen minutes later, there are some dirty things on the contact surface of the machine, and whiteheads appear. Before and after use, I usually use a disposable alcohol cotton pad to clean the contact surface of the front of the machine.

   After using the experience: Once the baby used the eyebrow knife to trim the eyebrows and accidentally repaired blood, and then used PLAKIN+ to stay on the wound for about three or four minutes. At this time, the wound felt a little itchy and the wound was healing. , the blood at the wound turns black, indicating that the scab has formed, which shows that the repairing ability of PLASKIN+ is still very strong.

    Suggestions from pot friends: Later, a young lady with oily bean muscle told me that after using it for a week, the acne marks on her face were visibly faded, so I have been insisting on using it for three weeks. The skin seems to have brightened a lot, let's become beautiful together!

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Yami 특선




   机器原理:先给小可爱们解释一下,PLASKIN+的主要原理是把高速粒子穿透表皮层,直达真皮层,由此让肌肤细胞再生,增强肌肤的屏障(这是我多次去mall里体验学来的~)说实话我这个人很怕接触新东西,听朋友说arcadia mall有专柜可以免费体验,我前前后后去体验了三次,入手的时候SALES小姐姐跟我讲这款机器是一机多用,能祛痘淡斑,美白提亮,增加肌肤弹性,缩小毛孔,改善皱纹等等等等,超级值得有木有。




   盆友建议:后来一个油豆肌小姐姐跟我说她用了一个星期脸上的痘印就肉 眼可见的淡化了 所以我一直在坚持用,用了三个星期感觉皮肤好像变亮了很多,小伙伴们一起变美吧!