I think the pepper cake is generally a bit bland, my roommate Hangzhou loves it. Ma Yushan's breakfast is good, and it is not easy to form a ball when soaking it, but it is not as strong as the sesame flavor of the southern brand. The ingredients of the two masks of the same brand are similar, and the feeling of use is similar. I don't understand what the difference is. The others are often bought and delicious.
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胡椒饼我觉得一般味道有点淡,我室友杭州的超爱。马玉山当早饭不错,泡的时候比南方牌不容易结球,就是没有南方牌的芝麻味那么浓。 两个面膜一个牌子的配料也差不多使用感也差不多,没搞明白有什么区别 其他几样都是常买的好吃没话说。