Meidi Biscuit Evaluation NO1. PEPPERIDGE FARM: chessmen I used to call him cheese man, hahahaha Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A pale yellow cookie with a different chess pattern on it. The taste is simple milky biscuits, full of milky flavor. Just like the above sweet and simple, simple sweet taste. The taste is relatively sweet, so it is not a good choice to pair with bitter coffee or milk tea. It is also a good choice for breakfast or afternoon tea. 😆I will update the Meidi biscuit series, and the next ones are all from the same company series.
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美帝饼干测评 NO1. PEPPERIDGE FARM: chessmen 我以前一直叫他cheese man的,哈哈哈哈 评分:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 淡黄色的饼干,上面带着不一样的国际象棋图案。味道就是简单的奶香饼干,奶味十足。就和上面写的一样sweet and simple,简单的甜甜的味道。 口味比较甜,所以配苦一点的咖啡或者是奶茶都不是不错的选择,当作一顿早餐或者下午茶也是不错的选择呢。 😆美帝饼干系列我会更新下去,接下来的都是同一个公司系列。