Yami 특선

[Gege's outfit] A must-have knitted jacket for autumn and winter, with special face embroidery 🌺


Ended7Day's outfit punch card I still want to continue to share my outfit with you☺️This outfit shared today is the same autumn and winter knitted jacket style I love as yesterday! Because autumn and winter are simply the world of knitted jackets The styles are super and super beautiful ~


Today's knitted coat is from one of my favorite domestic brandsMO& ;CO~MO&CO's clothes are really the best in China in my opinion It is also the only brand to appear in Paris Fashion Week last year It seems to have a physical store in Paris! Anyway, it's a super fan of it😆 MO&COWhether Design Style Quality is completely do-it-yourself Never copy the big names! And many of its clothes are very special in design Don't worry about bumping into other people's shirts The quality is also super invincible especially for young people! Keeping up with the trend Standing up to its own style and quality ! If I must say the disadvantage, then the price is not too much cabbage. This knitting seems to be equivalent to US dollars240Let the knife be around Forget about it span> Mum bought it


My knitted coat today is fromMO&CO span>'s clothes with embroidery of Peking Opera masks and flowers The workmanship is super good Chinese style Distinctive!! Really praised by Americans every time I wear it! I like the length too can cover the thigh span>~And the sleeves are a bit lantern and the feeling is not very tight and fat !!

The white system in it is just my choice It doesn't feel so good with a pure whiteTshirt with a necklace might be better~ The pants are actually ripped leggings Super easy to wear and not tight It's also very thin It's no problem to jump anywhere ! Just for 160 In terms of height, it depends on the length of the person.~The shoes are my pair of shoesALDO's fur slippers I saw a friend recommend it before. I bought it because it was fluffy and white and it was warm. However, there is no fur at the bottom and it is still a bit cold😁But I still put up with it for good looks!! The last is the bag Invincible and compactchloe mini Red is also very suitable for autumn and winter!

TShirt: Alexchung

Knit jacket: MO&CO

Pants: Let's Slim

Shoes: Aldo

Bag: Chloe


😝 Ok today 格格的分享 here it is I hope you like my sharing Like me Bi Xin ღ( ´ ` ) Hope you all have a good day 💖

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Yami 특선

【格格的穿搭】秋冬必备的针织外套 特别的脸谱绣花🌺


结束了7天的穿搭打卡 还是想来继续和大家分享我的穿搭☺️今天分享的这套穿搭也是和昨天一样我超级爱的秋冬针织外套风! 因为秋冬简直就是针织外套的天下 款式超级多超级好看~


今天的针织外套是来自一个我最爱的国内品牌MO&CO~MO&CO的衣服真的是国产里我认为最好的了 也是去年唯一登上巴黎时装周的品牌 貌似还在巴黎有开实体店! 反正就是超级迷它家😆 MO&CO不管是设计 风格 质量都是完全的做自己的 从来不抄袭大牌什么的! 而且它家的衣服很多都很有设计感很特别 不用担心会和别人撞衫 质量也是超级无敌好 特别的适合年轻人! 紧跟潮流的同时 又坚持了自己的风格和品质!一定要说缺点的话那么就是价格并不算多白菜 这件针织貌似折合美金240刀左右吧 具体忘了 妈妈给买的


今天我的这件针织外套就是来自MO&CO 衣服上有京剧脸谱的刺绣和花朵的刺绣 做工超级好 中国风很有特色!! 真的每次穿出去都被美国人夸! 长度也是我很喜欢的 可以遮住大腿~而且袖子有点儿灯笼袖的感觉不会很紧很显胖!!

里面搭配的白体系是我随便搭的 感觉其实不是那么配 配个纯白色T恤带个项链或许会好点儿~裤子其实是条破洞打底裤 超级好穿不紧绷 还特别显瘦 随便蹦都没有问题! 不过就是对于160的身高来说有待呢人长需要挽一截~鞋子是我搭配的一双ALDO的毛毛拖鞋 之前看朋友推荐了觉得好好看毛茸茸白乎乎的很温暖就买了 然而其实底部并没有毛还是有点儿冷的😁但是为了好看我还是忍了!! 最后就是包包啦 无敌小巧好搭的chloe mini 红色秋冬用也很合适!

T: Alexchung

针织外套: MO&CO

裤子: Let's Slim

鞋子: Aldo

包包: Chloe


😝 好啦今天格格的分享就到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 比心 ღ( ´ ` ) 愿大家都有开心美好的一天 💖