Yami 특선

[Gege's outfit] Sandro's elegant and gentle bow-knot drag is a must for autumn and winter outfits💃🏻

 Today's autumn outfit sharing Beautiful shoes sharing is still my favorite slippers hahaha~< /span>I really feel that I can send slippers for seven days Because I love to buy slippers Wear slippers. The elegant bow slippers shared today are fromSandro's seems to have been bought for Thanksgiving last year< /span> forgot all~But I still like it after wearing it for a long time And it is also a style that I think can be worn all year round Very elegant and versatile little girl!


ThisSandro's slippers were the ones that attracted me as soon as I entered the store really good looking It is also versatile! The outside of the slippers is velvet The texture looks textured classy~< span class="s2">The lining is still leather really comfortable The texture and everything are first-class!The color of the bow and The slippers are not exactly the same color but also in the same color family < /span>Navy Blue Low-key and versatile! usual jeans wide leg pants< span class="s1"> skirt dress Coats and everything looks good! The bow also adds a cute and playful look I like it so much I really like it It feels like the heel is smoothed out. Daily wear saves time and trouble~

 But this shoe is small Buy at least big2The code will be more comfortable. me37 feet bought38 < /span>Just fit But if you like it more comfortable, it is recommended to take two sizes up ~The original price of the shoes is500Multi-knives Sales for Thanksgiving350 Around The price/performance ratio is quite good

 😝 Okay, that's it for today's Gege's sharing Hope you like my sharing Like my pictures Bi Xin ღ( ´ ` ) Hope you all have a great day span> 💖

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Yami 특선

【格格的穿搭】Sandro优雅温柔的蝴蝶结拖 秋冬穿搭必备💃🏻

 今天格格的秋日穿搭分享 美鞋分享依旧是我最爱的拖鞋哈哈哈~真的感觉自己发拖鞋都可以发七天 因为太爱买拖鞋穿拖鞋啦. 今天分享的这款优雅的蝴蝶结拖鞋是来自Sandro 好像是去年感恩节还是多久买的了 都忘记了~但是穿了很久了依旧超级喜欢 并且也是我认为真的一年四季可以穿的一个款式 非常的优雅百搭小女生!


这款Sandro的拖鞋是我当时一进店铺就被吸引了的 真的好好看 也好百搭! 拖鞋的外面属于丝绒质地看上去很有质感 很优雅~内里还是皮的 真的很舒服 质感什么的都是一级棒!蝴蝶结的颜色和拖鞋不是完全一样的颜色 但是也属于同一个色系 藏蓝色 低调百搭! 平常搭牛仔裤 阔腿裤 半裙 连衣裙 大衣啊什么的都很好看! 蝴蝶结还增添了一份可爱俏皮 可以说是超级喜欢了 我真的都要把后跟磨平了的感觉了 日常穿搭省时省事儿~

 不过呢这个鞋子版型很小 至少要买大2码才会比较舒服. 37的脚 买的38 刚刚合适 但是喜欢更舒服还是建议大两码~鞋子的价格原价是500多刀把 当时感恩节打折入成350左右 性价比还是挺不错的

 😝 好啦今天格格的分享就到这里啦 希望大家喜欢我的分享 喜欢我的图片 比心 ღ( ´ ` ) 愿大家都有开心美好的一天 💖