Minced Meat Noodles

Chunsi old Beijing vermicelli, since I have eaten it, I know that I have to stock up a lot. It tastes very good when making cold noodles. As a pasta, it consumes a lot of money. Today I will share my noodles. Production strategy.

Preparation of Bolognese:

1. The minced pork is marinated with soy sauce, cooking wine and pepper to taste (I usually leave it overnight, but about 30 minutes) should be enough)

2. Hot oil in a hot wok, add minced onion, ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, add minced meat and fry until discolored, add rice vinegar or balsamic vinegar, Stir-fry light soy sauce, chili noodles and fragrant chili powder to collect the juice.

Noodle recipe:

1. Boil hot water, add eggs and simmer for about ten minutes

2. Boil the noodles in hot water, remove and soak in cold water

3. Cucumber and carrot shredded

4. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, and meat sauce to the bowl. Use a spoonful as a standard, and then add salt according to personal taste

5. Add noodles, shredded cucumber and shredded carrot

6. Put in the hot spring egg and mix well

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1. 猪肉末加入生抽、料酒和胡椒粉腌制入味(我一般放一晚上,不过三十分钟左右应该就够了)

2. 热锅热油加入葱姜蒜末炒香,加入肉末炒至变色,加入米醋或香醋、生抽、辣椒面和香辣椒粉炒匀收汁。


1. 烧热水,放入鸡蛋闷十分钟左右

2. 面下热水煮熟捞出泡凉水

3. 黄瓜、胡萝卜切丝

4. 碗里加生抽、老抽、蚝油、香醋、香油、糖、肉酱,量把握不准可以用一勺为标准,再依个人口味加盐

5. 加入面、黄瓜丝和胡萝卜丝

6. 打入温泉蛋拌匀就可以啦