Yami 특선
[Kicked over this bowl of dog food for girls' health care products] Girls should be better to themselves, and single dogs should be better to themselves! After all, you can only hold yourself tight🌚🌚🌚 Picture 1 is the chocolabb family's anti-acne, beautifying and anti-fatigue tablets, which are supplemented with vitamins. Mainly vitamin B family, every day, morning and evening after each meal. Note that this version of the white cover has added vitamins, so do not take other vitamin supplements at the same time, so as not to increase the burden on the liver due to excessive intake. It is said to have a whitening effect. Picture 2 is Nature's Bounty's strawberry gummies, targeting women's hair, nails and skin. Two capsules a day, test it effectively! Keep taking it for a while and your skin will feel better. Figure 3 shows the normal and enhanced versions of Xingu Enzyme. I usually eat this 20 minutes before a big meal, or before going to bed on the day I feel I have eaten too much, to break down the ingested sugars and avoid weight gain in the morning. Figure 4 shows the oribis fat-controlling slimming granules under pola. Recently, I have been taking two granules 20 minutes before breakfast to block the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars throughout the day. In general, the most important thing about health care products is persistence. Hope the fairies are getting more and more beautiful~٩(◦๑> ₃ <๑◦)۶
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Yami 특선 【踢翻这碗狗粮之女生保健品篇】 女生要对自己好一点,单身狗就更要对自己好一点了!毕竟只能自己抱紧自己🌚🌚🌚 图一是chocolabb家的祛痘美肌抗疲劳片剂,添加维生素版本的。主要是维生素B族,每天天早晚饭后各一粒。注意的是这版白盖子的添加了维生素所以就不要同时服用其他维生素补剂了,以免摄入过量增加肝脏负担。据说这款也有美白效果~ 图二是自然之宝家的草莓gummies,针对的是女性的头发指甲和皮肤。每天两粒,亲测有效!坚持吃一段时间会感觉皮肤变好了。 图三是新谷酵素的正常版和加强版。这个一般我在大餐前20分钟吃,或者觉得吃的太多的那天睡前吃,分解摄入的糖类,避免早上起来涨称。 图四是pola旗下的oribis控脂纤体颗粒,我最近都是早餐前20分钟吃两粒,阻断一整天的碳水糖类吸收。 总的来说,保健品最重要的就是坚持。 希望小仙女们越来越美~٩(◦๑> ₃ <๑◦)۶