A person's day needs a roommate who can cook! Please give me a dozen of such roommates. The first one is the Internet celebrity lemon chicken feet, The second course is scallion oil and taro paste. What is the third course of fried rice, I forgot, The fourth course is focaccia bread. Probably someone who saved him in his last life ended up with such a good deal.
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一个人的日子需要一个会做饭的室友! 这样的室友请给我来一打。 第一道是网红柠檬鸡爪, 第二道是葱油芋泥, 第三道是什么炒饭,忘了, 第四道是佛卡夏面包。 大概是上辈子拯救了谁,落得如此好口福。