New Year's [Duansheli] punch card the second day
A bit busy these days
Busy cleaning home Busy dinner with friends 0 p0
Many friends are going back to China after graduating😭Then there are too many recently😭 span>farewell party
This time there are three boxes:
(far left) first📦installed environmentally friendly
Second pack Some old clothes to donate
Third📦 It's rubbish! It's really hard to break up I feel like I've lost a lot of things < /span>But there are still a lot of things I am not willing to give up all of them But I can't take it with me😭😭😭

忙着收拾家里 忙着和朋友聚餐
好多朋友毕业了要回国了😭然后最近就超多farewell party
(最左边)第一个📦装 可以环保的
第二个装 一些准备捐出去的旧衣物
第三个📦 就是垃圾!断舍离真的好难 感觉已经丢了好多东西 可是还是有好多东西 全都不舍得 可是又带不走😭😭😭